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by 영어 참견러 Jan 05. 2024

The Result of Stubborn Heart

고집스런 마음의 결과

신명기(Deu) 2장

30. 헤스본 왕 시혼이 우리가 통과하기를 허락하지 아니하였으니 이는 네 하나님 여호와께서 그를 네 손에 넘기시려고 그의 성품을 완강하게 하셨고 그의 마음을 완고하게 하셨음이 오늘날과 같으니라

30. But Sihon king of Heshbon refused to let us pass through. For the LORD your God had made his spirit stubborn and his heart obstinate in order to give him into your hands, as he has now done.

33. 우리 하나님 여호와께서 그를 우리에게 넘기시매 우리가 그와 그의 아들들과 그의 모든 백성을 쳤고

33. the LORD our God delivered him over to us and we struck him down, together with his sons and his whole army.

34. 그때에 우리가 그의 모든 성읍을 점령하고 그의 각 성읍을 그 남녀와 유아와 함께 하나도 남기지 아니하고 진멸하였고

34. At that time we took all his towns and completely destroyed them—men, women and children. We left no survivors.

The heart and the spirit of Sihon king got stubborn, leading to the point of making all his people die. Like the Egyptian king at the time of Exodus, our heart could be obstinate as a stiff-necked man.

Although the bible says that it came from the Lord who had planned for them, it seems foolish and unwise. They should have let them go, though it looked like losing something, but they wouldn't. Actually, there were nothing to lose for them.

Likewise, I experienced of this kind of stubborn heart when I got to face a kind of  strangers in a new circumstance, but luckily and blissfully, I  had quickly changed my mind, confessing my sins of my heart being stubborn or heady too much.

God is the one who changes our heart and mind in a good or bad way, so i think that I should be alert not to be easily obstinate, hearing His voice and doing good for His sake. And when I also see someone whose hearts are stubborn, I need to pray for them in order to escape the same results as Sihon king of Heshbon experienced.

In a nutshell, i realized that the secret of good relationships between men and God is to avoid being stubborn in my heart, rather being generous and open- minded to all, though they look strangers or seemingly slaves as well.

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