
You can make anything
by writing


by 희원이 Jul 18. 2023

주로 인용되는 고흐 작품 목록

◑ 주로 인용되는 고흐 작품 목록 (※ 해당 원고에 인용되지 않은 작품도 포함)

· <Café Terrace at Night>, 1888

· <Old man in sorrow>, 1890

· <A crab on its back>, 1888

· <Adeline Ravoux>, 1890

· <Avenue of Poplars in Autumn>, 1884 

· <Café table with absinth>, 1887  

· <Courtesan: After Eisen>, 1887

· <The night Café>, 1888

· <Portrait of Joseph Roulin>, 1889

· <Roulin’s Baby>, 1888

· <Self-portrait with pipe>, 1886

· <Dr Paul Gachet>, 1890

· <Self-portrait with bandaged ear and pipe>, 1889

· <L’Arlésienne; Madame Joseph-Michel Ginoux (Marie Julien, 1848–1911)>, 1888~89

· <View of a butcher’s shop>

· <Eglogue En Provence – Un Couple D’amoureux>, 1888

· <View from Theo’s apartment>

· <Madame Roulin and Her Baby>, 1888

· <Entrance to the Public Gardens in Arle>

· <Head Of A Skeleton With A Burning Cigarette>, 1885~86

· <Still Life with Bible>, 1885

· <The Bedroom>, 1889

· <The Brothel (Le Lupanar)>, 1888

· <The Dance Hall In Arles>, 1888

· <Portrait of Armand Roulin>, 1888

· <Portrait Of Armand Roulin> ,1888, #2

· <Peasant Woman Digging Potatoes>, 1885

· <The Prison Courtyard>, 1890

· <The Potato Peeler>, 1885

· <Sunflowers>, 1887

· <Madame Roulin Rocking the Cradle (La berceuse)>, 1889

· <Lane with Poplar Trees>, 1884

· <La Mousmé>, 1888

· <La Mousmé>, 1888, #2

· <Jeune homme au bleuet>, 1890

· <In the café; Agostina Segatori in Le tambourin>, 1887~1888

· <Farming Village at Twilight>, 1884

· <The old church tower at Nuenen>, 1885

· <The Old Cemetery Tower at Nuenen in the Snow>, 1885

· <Red Vineyards at Arles>, 1888

· <The Starry Night>, 1889

· <The potato eaters>, 1885

· <Wheatfield with Crows>, 1890

· <Starry Night Over the Rhône>, 1888

· <Girl in White>, 1890

· <Fishing boats on the beach at Saintes-Maries>, 1888

· <Road with Cypress and Star>, 1890 

· <Three books>, 1887

· <The Schoolboy (Camille Roulin)>, 1888     

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