And the skirt of a lady who rode a wooden horse off.
Ringing its bell, the wooden horse abandoned his master
And left into autumn. Stars are dropping from the bottle.
Those heart-broken stars are shattered against my breast.
A girl whom I once knew for a short time
Grows beside the plants in the garden.
When literature dies and life goes away,
And even the truth of love throws out the shadow of love and hate,
My loving one on a wooden horse is not seen any more.
Life comes and goes.
Once withering away from isolation,
Now we have to say good-bye.
Hearing the bottle falling in the wind
We have to look an old woman writer in her eyes.
From the lighthouse...
The light is never seen
But just for the future of cherished pessimism
We have to remember the sound of the poor wooden horse.
Whether everything leaves or dies
We have to hold fast to our dim consciousness left in mind,
And listen to the sad story of Virginia Woolf.
Like a snake that found youth going through between the two rocks,
We have to open our eyes and have a drink.
Life is not lonely
But just vulgar like the cover of a magazine.
Then what are we so afraid of as to leave?
The wooden horse is up in the sky
And the sound of a bell is heard to our ears,
When the autumn wind is sadly weeping
In my fallen bottle.
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