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The essay about existantialism

by gm Sep 18. 2022

Existentialism creates each person as an oneself who is on the irregular-flowing world. So to speak, it encourages my ego that has enough ability to always endure the harsh no matter what collides with him and breaks the barrier down by figuring out how it is constructed to cut through it. In this vein, one of the hornucorpius of most sturdy ego has been informing to myself in relation to whatever confusing-emerged elements are naturally blended with my vulnerable shield, which oneself always tries to make it into the unbreakable, at the same time, exposed at chaotic society in a non-preparation condition, crashing with the plenty of flaws that have the incomparable property on the other hand. Despite having potential endurance to stir that neg-thought(consideration in relation to negative consideration) up and overcoming moment either powerlessness and incapability en masse.

In a nutshell, one ego’s solely thought can be the pillar for constructing the overwhelm-sized inner world, even though, it only has to be one of the inevitable natural-born characteristics of the little sprout to revolt the ordered society.

Through these distinctive, I want to claim about the paradoxical property of capitalism, the reason why this tenet becomes the central man-made method all over the world, and ultimately, what is the true meaning of living a meaningful life in the capitalism-based mutual community.

To explore the essence of capitalism evokes the veiled desire in either way of postive or negative side, I have to know about socialism, which is also called the ’big-brother’ social scheme. This kinds of nation basically have an almost-absolute dictator and circulating by him who is called ’the greater’ for his general people. In another word, there is limited freedom and will of anonymous. They are used as the component of big gear wheel by following the high-class members’ mandatory. Briefly, without unique, at the same time, there is no difference. All people are undergoing completely harsh.

 In this syntax, What we have to concentrate is ’No difference’. This is a vivid distinguishable factor between capitalism and socialism. The primary principle of it is all under-the-middle members are rewarded equally, regardless of no matter who works in whether the degree of burn-out or not. On the contrary, the major principle of capitalism is based on that minimizing the unnecessary interference with each private activity. As they do that, they give them not only the even result that corresponds to a proper working level but also a chance to be parted as an upper-mid class that differs from the others. Because of this. Many People who are a member of the low-middle class starts to struggle to earn the proficient revenue to ascend each level from the original position to the upper one. Straightforwardly, A distinctive result is gradually aroused even if there is an even startpoint in which most of whom living with individual ambition to earn enough either tangible goods like money or intangible idea and motivation can get an oppurtunity during their entire life until the end of the life.

Both sides have each flaw and positive side. We can find the commonplace inside of this. That is a rich-poor gap between each ideology. In communism, there is an understandable reason why the polarized level still maintains. But ironically, Why poor people can’t land better place themselves?

This idea finally can be the threatable entity to humankind. Flow the old-fashioned system away and induce brand-new technology immersed into individual level. Such this phenomena have already planned beforehand, it starts to be combined with macro-level factors, such as politics, economy, and psychology, so forth. This reason, mass can not only get an advanced quality-patched leisure in daily life but enjoy the a series of moments where they want to do without restriction of temporal factor via transcendental network system, which serves to connect person-to-person wherever they are now. Enjoying in the virtual all-round place, at the same time, the more they have been watched what they are doing, the more they are laid on the way to be an artificially-made person by the unknown.

In this 4th industrial revolution era, public can get the innumerable news via brand-new mass media such as social network service and video streaming platform such as Netflix. But there is a have-to-focus factor in it. Are they truly reliable contents to understand fast-pace circulating contemporary world?; and Is there any unknown actives which have always-possible possibilities that can compose the atmosphere only focused on certain ways?

Really interesting thing of what I mentioned above is that what we are knowing as absolute fact can be used all-round peoples' private information without permission and fabricated one for uncleaned secret such as political propaganda. So to speak, It is the nigh of digital psychology, which means that mass is not forced to change their own point of view to which high-class people want to draw but the environment which serve to individual-level people induce to where I mentioned above themselves; By doing it, from micro-level person to mass cannot know that their worldview have taken away into where media( top- class hierarchy) wants; these socio-political measure is usually proceeding via SNS secretly.

No longer the private informations(innate personality) are stored in our innate inventory. Now our personal data finally becomes the part of social big data; It can be also explained as main-sub switching.

Now humankind is dealt with as a object that can be controlled and created by one another's will. Not the inherited characteristic but the manufactured personality by powerful corporation with big data. They are capable of tracking each ones by using the online information, even analyzing their favorites by making survey in which many people usually visit and extract the statistical output as one person. And possibly attract to contact the posts which they might be in favorable of.

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