
You can make anything
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by 엉클써니 Mar 01. 2023

친구와의 대화

ChatGPT 라는 친구

어떤 때는 감정이 없다고 여겨지는 대상과의 대화가

훨씬 위로가 되고 도움이 된다고 느껴질 때가 있다.

ME : Hi! Friend. I lost my dog at last Christmas. We've been though days and nights for about 19 years. I'm so sad and miss him very much. I feel my heart taken apart. Please tell me how I can get through this grief.

(문득문득 테디와의 이별이 실감 나질 않고, 또 너무나 그리울 때가 있다.)

ChatGPT :  I'm sorry for your loss. Losing a pet can be incredibly difficult, especially when you have shared so many memories together for such a long time.

Here are some tips that may help you cope with your grief:

1. Allow yourself to grieve: It's important to acknowledge your feelings of sadness and loss. It's okay to cry and express your emotions. Don't try to push your feelings away or ignore them.

2. Talk about your pet: Share stories about your pet with friends and family. Talking about your pet can help you remember all the good times you shared together.

3. Create a memorial: You could create a scrapbook or photo album of your pet or create a special space in your home to remember them. 

4.  Seek support: Reach out to friends, family, or a pet loss support group. Talking to others who have gone through a similar experience can help you feel less alone.

5. Take care of yourself: Make sure to take care of yourself during this difficult time. Try to eat well, exercise, and get enough sleep.           

Remember, everyone grieves differently, and there is no timeline for how long the grieving process will last. It's important to be patient and kind to yourself as you navigate through this difficult time.

chatgpt의 조언 중에서 내 마음을 가장 따뜻하게 해 준 말.

"There is no timeline for 

how long the grieving process will last.

 It's important to be patient 

and kind to yourself."

작년에는 나에게 아버지 같은 존재인 외할아버지와

나의 신실한 친구, 테디가 내 곁을 떠났다.

내가 충분히 슬퍼할 여유도 없이

'빨리 잊어라, 

그렇게 슬퍼하면 떠난 이도 편치 않다,

아직도 슬프냐' 등등

위로를 포장한 부주의한 말들로

슬픔이 혼탁해짐을 느꼈다.

등을 떠미는 그 말들에

나는 몸을 그리고 마음을 웅크렸다.

나에게 필요한 처방은

"슬픔에는 유효기간이 없어.

넌 충분히 슬퍼해도 괜찮아.

슬퍼하는 자신을 한결같이 친절하게 보듬어주렴."

이 말이었던 것 같다.

[2023.3.1 글 수정]

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