
You can make anything
by writing


by peter shin Jun 24. 2024

on a walk

Sunday morning

Going on a walk in the morning on Sunday is my humble routine. It was rainy over night and it made every living thing so lively and vivid chanting for the glory of their existence.

How much I love each step in this beautiful maze in St. Michael's college of U of T.

Maze reaches every corner of buildings of residence, classrooms, and libraries.

I need to stop every few steps to take a closer look at the all the different shapes of green with the miracle of elegance created on top with different combination of colors.

They made the benches with logs. Nostalgic and friendly..

Yes, Dante's imagination is always here.

Oh.. trees.. firm and inspirational. In some day they might reach heaven finally.

Couldn't have done it without you..1940's. how romantic.

I am trying to slow down my pace of walk to stay longer with the light scent of the flowers. How aren't I?

My grande is still warm.

On my way home I just dropped by Indigo, my favorite book store. They opened at 11:00 on Sunday so I had to wait for 10 min.

Actually my brother back in Seoul read this book and I was curious about the content as well. Anyway I decided to pick though it has more the 700 pages. :p

Have a good day folks.

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