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재정보조/장학금 가장 많이 주는 미국 대학 10개

재정보조 가장 많이 주는 대학 1위, 컬럼비아 대학 ... 5만 5521 달러

미국의 Student Loan Hero라는 사이트가 2018년 미국 1244개 대학의 재정보조 상황을 조사한 결과 이들 대학이 학생들에게 제공하는 평균 재정보조액은 2만 494달러였다.

그러나 상위 50개 교의 재정지원 평균 액수는 이를 훨씬 뛰어넘는 4만 7895달러였다. 평균의 2.3배가 넘었다. 1244개 대학의 등록금은 2만 4042달러였다. 반면 재정보조를 많이 주는 대학의 평균 등록금은 4만9702달러였다.

상위 50개 대학은 모두 사립대학이었고 이들 대학의 평균 등록금은 4만9702달러였다. 이를 보면 각 대학들이 해당 대학의 등록금에 해당되는 재정보조를 주고 있음을 알 수 있다. 즉 가난한 학생은 미국 대학 가운데 재정보조를 주는 대학에 지원을 해서 합격해 다니면 학비를 내지 않고도 다닐 수 있는 계산이 나온다.

상위 50개 대학 가운데 가장 많은 재정보조를 주는 대학은 컬럼비아 대학으로, 평균 5만5521달러를 주었다. 미국인들에게 해당되는 것이지만 50개 대학 가운데 46개 대학은 Full Meet, 즉 학생이 부족한 금액 전액을 주는 것으로 나타났다.

필자는 위의 자료를 이용해 미국 대학 가운데 재정보조를 잘 주는 10개 대학을 소개한다. 해석을 하지 않고 원문 그대로를 보여드린다.

1. Columbia University in New York City

Average financial aid package for students with financial need: $55,521

Undergraduate students receiving gift aid: 2,973

Students whose full financial need was met: 99%

Annual tuition and fees: $55,056

As stated on its site, Columbia University meets 100% of the demonstrated financial need of its first-year and transfer students. Parents of families who have a combined income of less than $60,000 aren’t expected to contribute to the cost of attendance.

2. Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut

Average financial aid package for students with financial need: $52,894

Undergraduate students receiving gift aid: 2,732

Students whose full financial need was met: 100%

Annual tuition and fees: $49,480

On its site, Yale University says that it meets 100% of financial need without student loans. It puts its own average need-based scholarship at $49,575 for the 2017-2018 school year.

If a Yale student’s family has an annual household income under $65,000 plus typical assets, they’re not expected to pay any college costs out of pocket.

3. Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts

Average financial aid package for students with financial need: $51,890

Undergraduate students receiving gift aid: 1,014

Students whose full financial need was met: 100%

Annual tuition and fees: $51,790

Williams College is committed to meeting 100% of each student’s financial need, according to the school’s website. It awards over $50 million in institutional aid to its students each year.

4. Amherst College in Amherst, Massachusetts

Average financial aid package for students with financial need: $51,775

Undergraduate students receiving gift aid: 1,066

Students whose full financial need was met: 100%

Annual tuition and fees: $52,476

Amherst College is another school that seeks to meet 100% of both domestic and international students’ financial need. In fact, we included it in another report highlighting colleges that have the best financial aid packages.

Amherst College awards $50 million in scholarships each year. This help students pay for college while relying less on student loans. Seven out of 10 graduates in Amherst’s Class of 2017 graduated without student debt. Compare that to the 75% of students who did after graduating from a private nonprofit college.

5. Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts

Average financial aid package for students with financial need: $51,308

Undergraduate students receiving gift aid: 3,687

Students whose full financial need was met: 100%

Annual tuition and fees: $47,074

Getting into this famed school can be hard enough. Fortunately, students get plenty of help figuring out how to pay for a Harvard University degree.

Roughly 6 out of 10 Harvard University students receive a need-based scholarship, the college reports. Students who come from a family with an annual income below $65,000 pay nothing out of pocket for their education. About 20% of students aren’t expected to contribute to their education.

6. Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York

Average financial aid package for students with financial need: $50,820

Undergraduate students receiving gift aid: 1,548

Students whose full financial need was met: 100%

Annual tuition and fees: $53,090

All Vassar College students with family incomes of or below $270,000 received gift aid of some kind this past academic year, according to the school.

Like other colleges on this list, it’s no accident that Vassar meets the full financial need for 100% of its students. Providing full aid is one of the college’s stated goals.

7. Webb Institute in Glen Cove, New York

Average financial aid package for students with financial need: $50,710

Undergraduate students receiving gift aid: 33

Students whose full financial need was met: 89%

Annual tuition and fees: $48,775

Webb Institute offers a full-tuition scholarship to all enrolled students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents. This school of engineering also offers additional need-based aid to cover other attendance costs, such as room and board, which totaled $14,750 during the 2017-2018 school year.

8. Duke University in Durham, North Carolina

Average financial aid package for students with financial need: $50,312

Undergraduate students receiving gift aid: 2,651

Students whose full financial need was met: 100%

Annual tuition and fees: $51,265

Duke University also meets 100% of all admitted students’ financial need, according to its financial aid website.

Families with household incomes at or below $60,000 aren’t expected to pay college costs out of pocket. Even a student whose family is expected to contribute around $20,000 to college could still receive around $45,510 in need-based grants.

9. University of Chicago

Average financial aid package for students with financial need: $49,967

Undergraduate students receiving gift aid: 2,483

Students whose full financial need was met: 100%

Annual tuition and fees: $52,491

The University of Chicago offers to cover the demonstrated financial need for all students “through a combination of grants, scholarships, and work expectations.”

Of the University of Chicago’s 2016 graduates who left college with student debt, the average balance was a relatively manageable $23,852, according to Collegedata.

10. Colgate University in Hamilton, New York

Average financial aid package for students with financial need: $49,912

Undergraduate students receiving gift aid: 1,047

Students whose full financial need was met: 100%

Annual tuition and fees: $51,955

Of the average aid awarded to students who qualify for need-based assistance at Colgate University, just $2,500 comes in the form of student loans, according to the university’s website. The majority of aid ($46,775) came in the form of a school grant. The university is committed to covering the full financial need for every one of its students.

■ 미래교육연구소 미국 대학 재정보조/장학금 컨설팅 & 컨설팅 비용 50% 할인

미래교육연구소는 2003년부터 국내 교육 컨설팅 기관 가운데 처음으로 미국 대학 재정보조를 컨설팅하기 시작한 '원조'다. 지금까지 가장 많은 학생들을 컨설팅을 했고, 누적 금액으로 대한민국 장학금 컨설팅 기관 가운데 가장 많다.

미래교육연구소는 한국 경제의 어려움을 감안해 2020학년에 컨설팅 비용의 50%를 할인한다. 금년에만 한한다. 대한민국 재정보조/장학금 컨설팅 기관의 비용 가운데 최저다. 이보다 더 저렴할 수는 없다. 또한 4명의 장학생을 선발해서 학교 선정 등 장학금 컨설팅 전과정을 무료로 도와준다. 

경제적으로 학비를 모두 부담하기 어려운 우수한 학생들이 지원하면 된다. 대학 장학금에 대한 자세한 문의는 아래로 하면 된다.

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