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by Yenn Shim Feb 25. 2024

Blue Nova


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“With Blue Nova, we now witness the dawn of a new era, where prosperity unfurls. Behold, as this beacon illuminates the path to boundless riches and brings forth smiles upon the GEA and all of our states.”

— Emperor Saito’s endorsement at the launch party of Blue Nova in 2010

“To be or not to be” is now the question for Blue Nova. A series of recent studies agree on one thing: Blue Nova, also known as Phaser, can cause serious heart and kidney failure if consumed regularly. Experts have expressed their concerns since the release of the drink, but their voices have been muffled and censored.

— Excerpt from the RBS docuseries titled “Shadows of Blue Nova”


Blue Nova, also known as Phaser, is considered the most important drink of the 21st century. While it’s consumed throughout the world, the potion is by and large circulated in the GEA (Great East Asia) and its colonies.

This productivity drink directly stimulates the adrenal glands and enhances the sensitivity of adrenaline receptors. Upon consumption, it elevates its drinker’s focus and extends their waking hours to an impressive 24-hour period. However, once the effects wear off, it brings about the notorious 12-hour crash. During this time, many users have reported experiencing extreme physical and mental exhaustion.

Nevertheless, the prevailing sentiment is that the 24-hour focus conferred by the potion significantly outweighs its drawbacks. This belief has prompted several GEA states to adjust private companies’ labor hours according to the potion’s effects, implementing 24-hour work shifts followed by 16 to 20 hours of rest, repeated four days a week.

Since this dramatic change in labor schedules, it’s been reported that the GEA states’ GDPs (Gross Domestic Products) have skyrocketed, bringing forth prosperity.

However, the release of the 2024 docuseries “Shadows of Blue Nova” on RBS has shed light on a concerning discovery: regular consumption of Blue Nova leads to severe health complications.


Blue Nova was developed by the Blue Corporation, although the public predominantly credited the company’s founder, Ryan Sakamoto, as the mastermind behind the creation of the blue potion. Mr. Sakamoto, originally from Japan, immigrated to Boston, Massachusetts, at the age of 14. He pursued his studies in biology at Harvard University, where he met and developed a close friendship with Emperor Saito (then the prince of the GEA). According to numerous accounts shared in various interviews, Ryan credited Prince Saito with inspiring the concept of Blue Nova, the productivity drink that doesn’t have caffeine.

“When I first met him, he wasn’t the heir apparent to the GEA. He was just a prince, second in line to the heir position after his brother Asahi. He had no hopes and dreams of being the emperor. All his interests centered on forging a new life in the USA, with dreams of becoming an international lawyer. Those were the days when we relied on caffeine, drinking coffee to fuel ourselves,” Mr. Sakamoto reminisced on the Tonight Show in 2022. “One day, he expressed a desire for something more potent, something that would immediately enhance focus. That’s when I began to toy with ideas.”

Despite its notable success, the blue potion has faced numerous ebbs and flows over time.

Founding of Blue Corporation

Upon graduating from university, Ryan Sakamoto wasted no time in founding the Blue Corporation. When questioned about any investments directly backed by the royal family of the GEA, Sakamoto emphatically stated that the investment and financial aid came solely from Prince Saito, driven by their friendship. He dismissed rumors suggesting that the royal family sought to gain control of the Congress by accumulating capital through the establishment of a private company.

The rumors soon dissipated as the Blue Corporation did not release any groundbreaking medications in the first few years since its foundation. While receiving ample funds for the development of caffeine-free productivity drinks, the company primarily sold general medications ranging from cough syrups to painkillers during this time. Most of the revenue earned from these generic items and investments was funneled into developing the productivity drinks.

Development and Failure of Blue Potion

Six years after the Blue Corporation’s establishment, the company introduced the “Blue Potion” in 2005, a precursor to Blue Nova. This beverage boasted seven hours of heightened focus and wakefulness, albeit accompanied by an average 18-hour crash. It garnered popularity among individuals with 9–5 jobs; however, its trajectory took a sharp turn when a whistleblower, operating under the pseudonym Jane Kim, exposed the company’s controversial testing methods.

It was revealed that the company had allegedly recruited test subjects primarily from their colonies, often individuals lacking financial means and familial support, sparking global outcry over ethical concerns. This scandal dealt a severe blow to the company’s reputation. Despite Ryan Sakamoto issuing a letter of apology vehemently denying any involvement in unethical human experimentation, the company decided to recall all its products from the market. They vowed to draw valuable lessons from the experience to craft better and more ethically conscious products in the future.

Launch of Blue Nova

Five years after the initial backlash, the Blue Corporation made a comeback with the release of “Blue Nova.” This refined potion, crafted in response to the controversies that marred their earlier product, promised an unprecedented boost in productivity. Since its launch in August 2010, this beverage has had a significant impact on both social and economic fronts worldwide.


At the launch party of Blue Nova, Emperor Saito not only attended but also took the stage as a key speaker. In his address, he candidly expressed his reservations about assuming a prominent role in endorsing a pharmaceutical product. He briefly touched upon the tragic events of December 2008, when terrorists bombed the car carrying Emperor Showa and the heir apparent, Asahi, resulting in their deaths. Emperor Saito recounted his journey from being a carefree prince with ordinary aspirations to his current position, emphasizing his commitment to promoting the product for the betterment of the future.

In contrast to the formal and pompous speech styles of former emperors, Emperor Saito’s modern, simple, and sincere message resonated deeply with the public, generating excitement about the product’s commercialization.

Despite the young Emperor’s efforts, Blue Nova remained out of reach for many due to its exorbitant price, initially considered a luxury symbol. However, its popularity skyrocketed when director Dain Kim attributed his Academy Awards for Best Picture and Best Directing for his movie “Lamp” to Blue Nova, citing its role in enhancing his concentration and creativity. Following this endorsement, numerous high-profile celebrities and public figures shared their incredible experiences with the potion. Subsequently, public demand surged for more affordable access to Blue Nova.

That was when Emperor Saito took a public stance, challenging the Blue Corporation’s reluctance to lower the product’s price, garnering praise from the public. However, Mr. Sakamoto resisted, citing the need to recoup the expenses incurred during the five years of experimentation with the Blue Potion. The dispute between the two friends escalated, becoming a daily news spectacle until Emperor Saito decided to donate some of his private property to cover the costs.

This sparked a movement advocating for Emperor Saito to play a more active role in governance beyond his ceremonial duties. Public protests ensued, posing a challenge to the existing political framework. The Prime Minister defended the principle of democratic power transition over hereditary lineage, but mounting pressure led to constitutional changes. The provision barring royal family members from holding governmental power was deleted, and Emperor Saito was appointed as an advisor to the Minister of Justice. Accepting the position, he donated funds to the Blue Corporation, significantly reducing the price of Blue Nova and impacting every corner of GEA society.

Labor Schedule

With the widespread adoption of Blue Nova, regions under the governance of the GEA have transitioned to a novel work schedule, synchronized with the drink’s peak effectiveness. Beginning in 2015, four years after the medicinal energy drinks became widely accessible, federal and state laws finally permitted official updates to work hours based on the drink’s effects. This resulted in the implementation of 24-hour work shifts followed by 16 to 20 hours of rest, repeated four days a week. For instance, a typical government worker’s schedule would look like this (given the rotational nature of shift schedules, the days of work may vary):

Monday: 24 hours

Tuesday: 4 hours

Wednesday: 20 hours

Thursday: 8 hours

This implementation was adopted in the private sector sooner, especially after Emperor Saito’s substantial contribution that markedly reduced the cost of Blue Nova. Subsequent reports have unanimously highlighted a significant surge in productivity and remarkably positive feedback from employees regarding the reduced total working hours.

Side Effect

While Blue Nova was forthright about the severe crash experienced after consumption — a characteristic that led to its nickname “Phaser,” indicating the drink’s ability to propel consumers through different phases — its long-term side effects remained largely unknown to the public.

The 2024 investigative documentary, “Shadows of Blue Nova,” revealed that regular intake of the drink could predispose users to a range of cardiovascular and hematological disorders. It also accused Blue Corporation of disregarding expert warnings from the start and suppressing negative coverage about the drink.

Blue Corporation denied these allegations, but the company representative also ended the press conference by cautioning that any type of addiction could have a detrimental impact on both mental and physical health.

Despite growing safety concerns, many individuals had no choice but to consume the drinks, as their office hours have been dramatically transformed by the introduction of Blue Nova. Many of these companies have stated that they currently have no intention of reverting to their previous office schedule.

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