
You can make anything
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by 이용만 Nov 29. 2023

게으름 대회 in Montenegro

& 3조원짜리 구체(球體)스크린 in Las Vegas

231128 in the news

국빈 방문 Yoon made a State visit to the UK, attended an official banquet hosted by King Charles. It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Buckingam. It is with great pleasure that I propose a toast to the good old friendship우정을 위해 건배

몬테네그로 게으름 대회

1-1> Montenegro / Laziness Championship  일하기 싫어하는workshy 

0:36 Sleeping, reading, eating, drinking and pretty much everything is

allowed except getting up.

1:02 The last one to get up will be awarded 350 us dollars and

perhaps more importantly the title of the laziest person in


1-2> Laziness pays off in bizarre contest게으름은 기괴한 경쟁에서 보상을 받습니다

0:10 I should be in this contest. I think I might do well.

It's the laziest person in the world contest currently on and there

are seven people left. This is taking place in Montenegro and here

they are.

0:25 You have to keep lying down doing nothing to win. The rule

stipulate규정하고있다 that if you stand or sit, you get kicked out실격이다 and lose the

world's laziest competition.

0:37 However contestants are allowed 10 minutes every eight hours

to use the toilet. These remaining seven people have entered their

20th-day of lying around doing nothing.

0:47 Last year's winner took home the lazy trophy with 117 hours of

lying down doing nothing.

0:52 Do you think you would be good at잘할수있을것같나 this competition?

I thought so and then I was thinking I would need to stretch. I'd

need to get up and walk around and stretch because I would go

crazy just lying down for that long. I don't know. Could you do it?

1:03 They do allow cell phones and laptops. So you know what's in

our TikTok틱톡에 볼게 많잖아. I could probably lay there for 20 days on TikTok틱톡, 나도 하겠다.

3조원짜리 구체(球體)스크린 in Las Vegas

241> The Insane Engineering Behind MSG Sphere Las Vegas

1:43 The MSG sphere is a futuristic, one of a kind유일무이한 112 meters high

and 157 meters wide entertainment venue. ...예)My father was one of a kind아빠같은 분 없다

2:01 The project is owned by the Madison Square Garden company...

2:12 The final budget is estimated to be around 2.4 billion. This will

make it the most expensive entertainment venue in Las Vegas

history. ...

2:25 The most important feature of this amazing structure is its

interior which includes the world's largest ultra high resolution LED

screen that will display daily unique shows...

4:50. The designers turned the exterior into a massive screen using

millions of programmable LED lights. The exterior acts as 동작을 한다a massive

round 360 degree screen....

2-2> Las Vegas $2.3BN Mega Sphere

0:00 The is the sphere. Vegas's newest, most ambitious and most eye

catching attraction to date오늘날까지.

1:01 ... It now holds the world record for being the largest spherical

structure in the whole world.

6:52. Although the feedback for this insane building has so far

been mostly positive, there have been criticism over its construction.

7:02 Some Las Vegas drivers have raised their concern over the

sphere being a little too distracting너무 산만하게(rubber necking). With its extremely bright lights

some people are worried about the safety of driving. ...

7:19 Another criticism is one that's aimed at its London location런던에도 만든다는 비판.

This project has recently gotten approval from the local government

to create a similar exterior display with millions of LEDs.

7:29 However residents are worried that the building will cause too

much light pollution빛 공해를 초래 in the area. Such a bright building could only

be possible in a city like Vegas not in a developed urban and

residential area...

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