
You can make anything
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by 이용만 Dec 20. 2023

X-mas holiday spirit

and Real Tree의 효용

231219 in the news

2023년 크리스마스 캐럴 1위 · 이변이 일어났다. 12월 5일(현지시간) 빌보드 차트에 따르면, 78세 브렌다 리(Brenda Lee)의 Rocking around the christmas tree가 1위로 머라이어 캐리를 65년 만에 제쳤다.

미슬토 mistletoe(겨우살이풀) 밑에서 키스를 해야 이루어진다고, 커플들이 춤을 추는 중에도 미슬토 앞에서는 춤을 멈추려 하지요.

10월에 당겨하는 크리스마스  

1> Ontario town holds Christmas parade for

 terminally-ill 말기 환자 7-year-old

0:02 At most Santa Claus parades, the man in red is

the center of attention. But in this town on a night, two months before Christmas everyone has come to see Evan.

0:20 7-year-old Evan Leversage has been battling an inoperable brain tumor 수술할 수 없는 뇌종양 for the past five years. That tumor has taken the sight시력을 잃었고 from one eye and doctors recently told his parents that time is running out시간이 다 되어간다.

0:31 This had definitely been a very difficult journey for Evan.

When faced with news that her child may not make it 버텨내지 못할 거라는 소식을 접하고 to Christmas,

Nicole asked family and friends to celebrate a bit early. But when

someone posted that request on Facebook, the holyday spirit


0:55 Here in the village of St. George near Brantford, Ontario, there

are signs in store windows and the decorations have been hung with

care. Carols are played by children on the street and at Evan's

home a special effects company특수효과 회사 had provided the snow.

1:24... People came from all over Ontario to show their support.

It just brings tears to my eyes 그냥 눈물이 나네요 that the community how they've

rallied around for this little guy and it's wonderful for him.

1:37 Evan's mother calls this a Christmas miracle but it is far from

miracle the family really wants. Still they are touched by the outpouring of support 넘쳐나는 지지에 감동합니다.

1:46 From the bottom of my heart thank you so much to everybody.

And for the chance to spend in October night thinking about

Christmas and not cancer.

나무트리가 환경에 좋은 이유 : 강물에 가라앉히는 것으로도 물고기집이 된다.

2> Why real Christmas trees may be better for the environment

0:10 I think the common misconception starts in longevity. Artificial

Christmas trees can last many years if they're well cared for which

kind of seems to make them the obvious sustainable choice but they

do have drawbacks.

0:22 To produce just one artificial Christmas tree, it results in 88 lb

of CO2. That output is 10 times higher than that of any sustainably

grown real Christmas tree.

0:42 The first thing we should talk about is the clean air the trees

provide, you know, in photosynthesizing What they do is they take

carbon out of the atmosphere combine that with water and it

releases clean wonderful breathable oxygen.

0:57 The other thing the trees do is they help clean water. They

control erosion. They're important habitat for wildlife.

1:17 Some of the advantages of real trees are that you know they're

a renewable sort of agricultural crop.

For every tree that's harvested, growers typically are planting at least

one seedling, some cases more than one seedling. The crop is

grown for anywhere from 7 to 10 years befor it's harvested.

1:57 Every year after Christmas when our trees are picked up and

then mulch. And those are the mulching. The chips are used in

parks. In some places they sink Christmas trees into the water to

provide structure and protection for fish.

2:10 It's much easier to get rid of a real Christmas tree with much

less impact on the local and overall environment than it is an

artificial Christmas tree.

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