
You can make anything
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by 이용만 Jan 03. 2024

Let Guests Walk In Her Shoes

하객여러분! 시각장애인 입장이 되어주세요

시각장애자 루시는 신랑과 웨딩하객에게 자신의 시각장애를 공감하게 하다

 Bride Lucy Edwards Blindfolds Wedding Guests

0:02 Lucy Edwards who lost her sight as a teenager added a unique

and touching element to her recent wedding in London, Lucy

blindfolded her groom and wedding guests offering them a brief

glimpse into her world on this momentous중요한 day. 

0:14 Lucy who had become blind at age 17 married Ollie Gave whom

she started dating just two months before losing her sight.

The heartwarming gesture allowed Ollie and their guests to 

experience her journey as she walked down the aisle.

Blind Tik Toker Lucy Edwards Lets Guests Walk In Her Shoes

5:23. I love being blind. I always say, you know, I lost my eyesight

but not my vision시력은 잃었지만 비젼을 잃지는 않았다 to make a difference in this world. And I just I do

love having a disability. It's made who I am just so much richer and

it's given me a purpose in this world. ...

5:50. I mean that's extraordinary isn't it? 정말 특별하군요 Because we hear so

much about the impediment of disability 장애를 가진 불편함 and of course it must have

been 그랬을테고 and you've had a long process of embracing받아들이는데도  what it's given you주어진 것과as well as what it's taken away잃은 것에 대해서도. Um what would you advise others with whatever disability but I guess particularly the one that you've


6:09 Yeah. I would say you know my why내가 이렇게 하는 이유 is to get up every morning

and say to the little Lucys나와 같은 사람들에게out there that they're not alone. I didn't

have any role models growing up자라면서 롤모델이 없었거든요. And I want to be role models for

young people with disabilities.

6:25 I want to say to them that being different is amazing. You

know, I thought that I had to hide my long white cane하얀색 지팡이를 숨겨야했고 and hide my

guide dog안내견도and you know not embrace my difference받아들이지 않으려고.

6:35 But I think in today's world it's so beautiful to just be yourself.

It's hard when you're in school and you know, wanting to be like

everybody else다른사람들과 똑같으려면 어려운데. But trust me it gets better.

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