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by 이용만 Jan 10. 2024

TED 소아과의사의 自然 처방2-1

Prescribing Nature for Health

Prescribing Nature for Health  Nooshin Razani (1)

L 0:10 I'm a pediatrician 소아과 의사and I routinely prescribe nature to children and

families. Nature has the power to heal. It  has the power to heal

because it is where we are from, it is where we belong, and it belongs

to us as an essential part of our health and actually of our survival.

0:40 These three amazing characters are my children and they were

my greatest pediatric teachers. And they are the ones that transform

the way that I view and practice medicine의학을 바라보고 실천하는 방법을. 

They grew up in an urban center and it was a very exciting place for me to be with lots of ideas but extremely restrictive for a child.

1:06 There were very defined lines within which a child could be and

within those lines there were often signs, like, don't run, don't climb,

don't jump. And my favorite one that I still don't understand, no

horseplay 말타기같은 거칠게 놀기. And I found that I had started internalizing these rules and

acting as an agent to restrict  잘 돌보라고 맡긴 대리인 my own children ...

3:17... I took my kids to places where I thought nobody would judge

us 아무도 이래라저래라 않을 거로 여겨질만한 곳에. A little yard, a little place. And I just let them do whatever they

wanted. In the beginning, they ran, jumped, climbed, yelled, hit each

other whined징징거리다, asked me where iPad is, asked for some cookies, said

can we please go back inside, this is boring.

And I just kind of like didn't say anything. I ignored it. And after a

few times, I started to notice some really, really, really cool things....

... 5:14 It turns out that there are amazing scientists and researchers

that have chronicled the lives of children 어린이의 발달 단계별로 기록한. And throughout human

history, actually until about 20 years ago, children in all cultures

walked every day large large distances. And they had often personal

special place that they went to recuperate and to cope and to get away

from us.회복하고 대처하고 벗어나게 되었다

5:49 And a lot of times they built a fort in that place.

Fort building

1: shappens발생하다 in all cultures. And what's so fascinating is that it happens

usually it peaks at around age 11. Kids build forts and it had

something do with preparing emotionally and physically for


6:08 Other things they do is that they play cooperatively and creatively

because unlike a playground, nature had no instructions and it has no


6:47 Other things that happen when children were outside and needing

things is that they learned that how to socialize, how to greet and how

to coexist not only with other humans but other species, other life.

7:04...And all of these experiences led to attachment애착.

developmental phase that we went through in nature is called place

attachment. And when people think back to their secret places, they

do it with love, kind of the way they would think about their mother or a

person they care about. And they grew up wanting to preserve and

take care of those spaces.

8:01 ...I have found out that average American spends 7% of their life

outdoors. If you add time in our car that goes up to 12%. And less

and less of what we do outside has to do with nature. And for

children they are spending about half the time that they used to spend

outside now as they did about 20 years ago. ...

8:40 ... we did notice that there was something specific to nature. And

so what is it? Well let's say for example you go into a forest, within

minutes your heart rate will come down, you will breathe slower, you

sweat less. And cortisol, the stress hormone starts decreasing.

9:04 You may be lucky enough to have the feeling called awe 경이로움.

Psychologists break 를 쪼개서 설명한다 awe down to mean a combination of fear and

happiness and pleasure all at once. And after people feel awe, their

focus moves from internal to external.

9:26 And so anxiety and depression go down and people feel ‹more

empathy just from having a split second잠깐 experience of awe. 

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