
You can make anything
by writing


by 이용만 Jan 17. 2024

TED 소아과의사의 自然처방2-2

Prescribing Nature for Health | Nooshin

녹지 공원과 협업으로 가난한 환자들에게 자연을 처방하는 소아과 의사.

Prescribing Nature for Health | Nooshin Razani (2)

9:45 When you're out in nature, your mind is restored. After 15 to

20 minutes walking through trees, you will have a bigger attention

span주의집중시간이 길어진다. You can solve more complicated cognitive tests and puzzles....

10:10... after three days the prefrontal cortex전두엽 피질, the part of you that's in

charge, it relaxes. It's reset. And that's when you have your most

creative and productive time.

10:24 If you can clear your head by taking a tree bath산림욕 for three days,

you will be at your most productive. So this is amazing. So there is a

place or a thing that all humans needed to be in in order to properly

develop empathy, communication, creativity, the ability to self-soothe진정시키는 능력.

And we're missing it놓치고 있지요.

10:55 And now if you take a modern person into that same thing, they

become happy, relaxed and smarter. And it's free!

I was like I got to get this이렇게 해야겠다 to my patients immediately. ...

11:19 ... And we had to pause for a moment. Because the patient

population that we work with is very poor and wasn't appropriate 타당하지 않다 for

us to tell people that don't have enough to eat or don't have a place

to sleep that they should go to the park.

11:34 And we realized, yes! actually that's exactly who needs this.

11:40 So we met up with our local park district and they are amazing

people. And we came together in a real collaboration. They say

we've got the nature. And we said we've got the people.

11:54 And how can we do this without trivializing사소하게 취급하지 않고 the real issues of

poverty and discrimination and lack of access that these children face?

How can we help bring nature into their lives?

12:10 Well first we started by bringing nature into the clinic. We put

huge banners of redwoods up going up the stairs. By the way every

photo in our clinic is of a natural space that our patients can get to.

- 1 -

12:55. So our doctors started prescribing nature outings자연 나들이 for stress

and social isolation. And once a month a bus leaves from our clinic

with a doctor and a ranger on board. Our patients, and we tell them

to invite anybody and everybody as much extended family as they

want to bring.

13:17 And we go to a local park and we picnic and we try to create

community. And we do our best to have an experience that's full of

And now we're measuring it because I view nature as an

evidence-based health promotion intervention 건강증진의 도구로.


14:35... And his mom and I looked at each other. And you know, on

paper we don't have anything in common. She is the mother of a

homeless family, eight children. They spend nights in a variety of

shelters. I cannot begin to imagine 상상조차 할 수 없다the warrior that she is to get that

done. ...일을 해내고야 만 (8명의 어린이를 돌보는) 전사(같은 어머니를)

15:00...And so first of all, I took some humble pie 제가 겸손해졌어요. And then I looked

at her and I realized, like, this is not about me prescribing to her

what to do. This is about us coming together to reclaim 되찾고 childhood and

health. This is an everybody issue.

15:24 How am I going to keep children healthy if there is no

childhood? ...

16:06... with all these other children and all these other mothers that

I've met along the way, maybe we can come together to understand

that nature already exists. It is already here. And we already belong

to it.

16:30 And so I am about to give you a nature prescription. Are you

ready? Okay. Get outside. When you're outside, look for something

alive, a tree, a bush and ant. Just find something living. Move out of

your child's way아이 때 하던 방식을 막지마라. So don't take a picture. Don't comment. Just move 그러니까 사진 찍거나 참견할것 없이 그냥 관조하세요and listen. And then reclaim your health.

17:04 And after you do this once, twice, a few years, please take care

of nature. It is our home. Where do you think we are going, if there

is no nature. That's your nature prescription.


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