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by 이용만 Jan 31. 2024

'24 Miss America

현역 소위(少尉) 탑건 파이터

Madison Marsh, a US Air Force officer, was crowned Miss America 2024. Her remarkable journey includes overcoming personal tragedy with the loss of her mother to cancer and founding a foundation for cancer research. Marsh, also a master's student at Harvard, aspires to become a 'Top Gun' fighter pilot. Her story is a testament to resilience and achieving dreams against the odds.

Active-duty US Air Force officer현역 美공군장교 crowned 2024 Miss America

0:00 22-year-old Madison Marsh is not your typical beauty queen.

The newly crowned Miss America is flying planes by day and winning

pageants미인대회 by night. On Sunday second lieutenant소위 계급 Marsh soared into

the history books becoming the first ever active duty service member

to win the coveted 탐내는 title.

0:34 Just last year Madison graduated from the US Air Force Academy

in Colorado with a degree in physics.

0:47 She rose to the rank of second lieutenant and was selected to be

a pilot. And that's not all. She's currently a graduate student at

Harvard pursuing a master's in public policy. She's also made it her

life's mission to raise money for pancreatic cancer췌장암 research.

1:03 She started the Whitney Marsh foundation in loving memory of

her mom Whitney who passed away from the disease more than 5

years ago when Madison was just 17.

"Pancreatic cancer is one of the most underfunded자금지원이 되지 않는 cancers in the

country yet it remains the number three cancer killer."

1:17 Madison now a voice for her mom and a role model for young

women everywhere from the flight line to the pageant spotlight. Miss

America 2024 is proving that the sky is the limit한계는 없어.

1:35 What was it like to hear it's you, you are Miss America?

I think I had an out of body experience유체이탈. I remember standing there

with my first runner up2등 Ellie.... It's still crazy watching those videos

because I don't feel like it even happened.

1:53 You have so many life achievements at this young age.

Where does this one rank among those 그중에서 순위를 매긴다면? I mean this one, they're all

so different so it's hard to rank them. But I feel like this one is really

important to me because winning Miss America is not about me.

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en 2:12 I think of all of the women that came before me.

The first people that served in combat. The first female astronauts. The first female everything. And they open up the door for me to do something like this.

2:23 And I think by being a military member and being Miss America opens that door for other women. And so it is about all the other women that I get to represent 내가 대표하게 될 around the globe.

2:32 It's like you're not going to be put in any box 어떤 상자에 딱 넣기는 어려운 사람이군요. You're not a beauty pageant queen only, and you're not an active duty member of

military only. You're all those things.... We're hoping one day would

be where you could be anything and everything you wanted to be....

2:54 It reminds me my mom obviously was a very integral part 없어서는 안 되는 of my

life. And it always taught me, you know, sticking to my self 항상 너답게 살아라. 

And I think I always kind of went to the own beat of my own drum 자기 장단으로 growing

up. And that's what she would always tell me.

3:07 And I think I really try to push myself at the Air Force Academy

because there's always going to be people 항상 그런 사람 있을 거잖아요 that might doubt you or try to push you to just one thing 한 우물만 파라고. And I always said to myself like I'm

not going to do that because that wasn't what I wanted. It didn't feel

like me나 같지가 않아서. So I needed to do everything at once 한꺼번에 몽땅해야 직성이 풀리거든요...

4:58 What's your big dream and your big goal?

Well obviously I really am excited to continue serving in the military.

And I think post military service, I would love to dive deep into my

nonprofit the Whitney Marsh foundation and making it one of those

large cancer nonprofits....

5:17... and diving into that to make national policy that meets the

needs필요를 충족시키는 of all pancreatic cancer patients...

5:30 And I want to be helping patients at the forefront 앞장서서 and so that's

where I see my life going.... 내 인생이 그쪽으로 갔으면 좋겠어요.

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 미스 아메리카(Miss America)와 미스 USA(Miss USA)는 두 개의 큰 미인 대회이지만, 각각의 대회가 지닌 고유의 역사, 목적, 그리고 규칙이 있습니다. 

미스 아메리카 대회는 1921년에 시작되었으며, 전통적으로 '장학 프로그램'으로 여겨져 왔습니다. 이 대회는 사회적 영향력을 중시하며, 참가자들은 개인적인 사회봉사 계획과 목표를 가지고 있어야 합니다. 미스 아메리카의 승자는 장학금과 함께 교육적 기회를 얻습니다.                         

미스 USA 대회는 1952년에 처음 시작되었으며, 미스 USA는 외모와 품격을 중시하며,  자신감, 대화 능력, 그리고 사회적 이슈에 대한 인식을 중요하게 여깁니다. 미스 USA의 승자는 미스 유니버스 대회에 참가할 자격을 얻습니다.                         


미스 아메리카의 재능 부문: 한 해에, 한 참가자가 오페라를 불렀고 매우 인상적인 공연을 선보였습니다. 그녀의 공연은 그녀가 우승하는 데 큰 역할을 했으며, 미스 아메리카가 단순한 외모의 대회가 아니라는 것을 대중에게 상기시켰습니다. 

미스 USA의 수영복 부문: 수년 전, 한 참가자가 경연 중 수영복 부문에서 신발을 잃어버렸습니다. 그러나 그녀는 당황하지 않고 멋지게 무대를 걸어 나가며 자신감을 유지했습니다. 이 사건은 미스 USA 대회가 외모뿐만 아니라 참가자의 자신감과 태도를 평가한다는 점을 강조했습니다. 

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