
You can make anything
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by 이용만 Feb 07. 2024

사람냄새 Vs 돈냄새

Family Dog Eats $4,000 in Cash

Pittsburgh Family Dog Eats $4,000 in Cash

0:00 You've heard the excuse 하소연을 들어봤을 거다 'The dog ate my homework. Well, now

Carrie and Clayton Law love their 7-year-old golden doodle named Cecil even after Cecil ate $4.000 in cash. "I was like. He ate the money!"

0:18 The cash lay on the kitchen counter. It was money to pay for the new outdoor fence.

Cecil apparently found the cash just too appetizing to ignore. He gobbled it all up 꿀꺽했다 then Cecil started throwing up 토하기 시작했다.

0:30 As I went to clean it. I realized there was, like, chunks of

hundreds and fiftys. Once we realized it was in his system and it was

coming out one end 뱃속에 있어 똥을 싸야 했다, I was like well, he normally goes number two  대변을 본다 twice a day. So I'm like. I should follow him and just see if anything

comes out.

0:43 We just had to, kind of, get to work. We put on some masks and

gloves. They posted the cash cleaning process.

How much money were you able to retrieve? 복구는 얼마나 A little over $3,500.

That's amazing! Yeah, we got back way more 더 많이 than I was expecting.

0:58 The bank was able to replace the most but not all of the bills.

Here's one that's been partially taped back together. The bank

wouldn't take this because it's missing the serial number on the side.

1:10 So what was so delicious about all that cash? 무엇이 그렇게 맛있었을까? I called bank and

they said this actually happens more than you would think. Money

goes through so many like, restaurants and it touches so many hands 돈이 사람 손을 타고 and it just acquires all these smells 냄새를 간직했다. And so dogs really like the smell

of money. Just like the rest of us 우리처럼!

0:48 They learned 인제 알았다 that as long as they could reassemble a bill more

than 50% and enough to read the serial number, it could be

exchanged for replacement대체물로 교환.   

0:11 I saw all this cash just strewn엉망진창으로 흩트리다 on the floor, like half eaten절반쯤 먹은 것 같은 bills.

0:49 I don't think you can ever really get angry 그렇다고 화낼 수 없잖아 at a pet for doing this

kind of thing.

 에밀리 브론테는 애견 키퍼(Keeper)와 잉글랜드 중부지방인 하워스의 황량한 벌판을 걸으며 '폭풍의 언덕'을 구상하곤 했다. 막내 앤 까지 어린 세 자매는 하워스의 스산한 바람소리를 들으며 각자 지은 이야기들을 작은 책으로 만들곤 했다. 강인한 성품의 에밀리는 언니와 다르게 쓰고 싶었다. 샬롯 언니의 '제인에어'에 초조해졌을지도 모른다. 어느 날 홀로 산책을 다녀온 에밀리는 키퍼가 원고를 찢어 흩트린 것에 분노하고 흠씬 두들겨 팼다. 브론테 가(家)의 재능은 글쓰기만이 아니었다. 시무룩해진 키퍼가 온종일 바닥에 엎드려 있는 모습을 그렸다. 그녀의 애견 키퍼 그림은 지금도 또렷하다. 원고에 남아있는 에밀리의 냄새를 견디기 어려웠나 보다. 키퍼로서는 에밀리와 함께 산책하지 못한 그리움이거나 화풀이였으리라. 사람보다 만 배나 강한 후각을 가진 키퍼는 왜 에밀리로부터 흠씬 맞아야 했는지 잘 이해가 안 되었다.

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