
You can make anything
by writing


by 이용만 Feb 14. 2024

쥐의 자국

A Pilgrimage to the Chicago Rat Hole: Roscoe Village's can't-miss

tourist attraction

0:01 There is a new tourist attraction on Chicago's north side that is

getting some international attention. ...

0:14 Neighbors say it's been here for at least 20 years, but thanks to

social media, there's a new attraction drawing international attention

here in the Roscoe Village neighborhood. 

0:26 My friend Hailey said to keep an eye out 가서 잘 찾아봐 for the Rat Hole.

Chicago artist and comedian. Winslow Dumaine was in the 1900 block

of West Roscoe last week when he found the Holy Grail 성스러운 물건 of sidewalk

rodents 설치류...

0:42 Just a full rat splat mark 철퍼덕 표시in the wet pavement. I just bust out 갑자기 막 웃었다

laughing when I saw it. Dumaine snapped a pic 사진찍다 and put it on Twitter.

writing had to make a pilgrimage to the Chicago Rat Hole and then

things got crazy.

0:57 It immediately blew up. So like, I mean, I just checked this

morning. It's got like 5 millon views which is just very silly.

1:03 Since posting it two days ago, the Rat Hole has become the

hottest tourist attraction in Chicago with people coming day and night

to memorialize the dent 자국을 추모하기 위해 in the cement.

1:15 So what brought you here무슨 일로 왔나? My friend told me about it. And you

had to make the pilgrimage.

1:19 So you had to come and see for yourself huh? I couldn't

believe it until I saw with my own eyes.

1:24 Others post their visits online leaving coins, flowers and even a

tiny tombstone.

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