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by 이용만 Feb 21. 2024

Is It Safe to Eat Snow?

눈(雪)은 증류된 물이지만, 탄소그을음이나 살충제성분이 있을 수 있다. 강풍이 불 때는 오염된 먼지도 섞여있어 안전하지 않다. 눈이 내린 후 반나절 정도 시간이 지나면 박테리아가 기하급수적으로 늘어나므로, 청정지역에서는 한바탕 눈이 내린 직후 먹는 것이 안전하다. 

 Is It Safe to Eat Snow?

0:19 Snow comes from the clouds where the primary ingredient 주성분은 is

indeed distilled H2O 증류된 물. And since snowflakes are shaped like webs, it

acts as a net for trapping any substances that may be floating in the

air. The most common ones are black carbon, also known as soot그을음,

released by coal fired plants 석탄때는 공장.

0:34 That's why researchers suggest to wait a couple of hours after

the first flurry 한바탕 확 has fallen to try snow. The thinking is ~하다는 생각이다  the longer the

snow falls, the more pollutants it catches, and the cleaner the snow

that falls later is.

0:44 Some areas near greenery like, urban and suburban areas may

see higher level of pesticides 살충제 in snow that has fallen onto yards or

parks. But even so, the pesticide levels in snow are reportedly 보도에 따르면very

low and probably won't make you sick.

0:57 However, if you're concerned, just eat the ones falling from the

sky. There is one time you should avoid eating snow. When it's

windy. Dirt can mix with snow as it falls to the ground during high


1:14 Takeaway정리: If you're going to eat snow, try to eat freshly fallen,

white snow. Eating snow is okay to do as long as it's not windy or

you're not in a highly polluted area.

Is Eating Snow Dangerous?

0:32 ... The study found safe snow only has a shelf life (선반에 있는)유통기한 of about half a

day. After that the bacteria in it starts to grow exponentially 기하급수로and by

the ripe old age잘 숙성된 기간 of two days, the snow is no longer safe to consume

as microorganisms미생물 in it increased due to impurities 불순물 in the air.

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