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by 이용만 Jan 24. 2024

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Unique New Year's traditions 

1> Unique New Year's traditions around the world

포도12알, 왕의 케익크, 여행가방돌기, 접시깨기, 소원 속옷입기 등

00:00 In Spain they've got a tradition where you have 12 grapes, one at

each stroke of midnight 12번 땡칠때마다 하나씩 먹으며 소원을 비는. And some people make a real event out of this. They deseed씨를 빼고 their grapes and they peel their grapes.

0:11 And so it's meant to symbolize not only the strokes of midnight

but each month of the coming year. And the grapes represent prosperity and good health and joy. And of course grapes also represent wine. So you're gonna have a good time over the course of the year 1년 내내.

0:33 Now another one is King's cake and I've participated in this. And this is apparently in Greece. What you're looking at, if you're confused, is a little baby Jesus that will be baked inside of that cake. And so this is the King's cake 아기예수가 들어있는 케이크.

0:50 And whoever gets the slice of the cake that has a gold coin in it or the little baby Jesus, you're the king queen for the day. But you also get responsibilities for the year. 

You have to host the New Year's Eve party the following year or you have to host King's Day on January 6th. ...동방박사 3명의 찬양

1:19 ... Soba noodles. Oh warm, brothy, soupy, yummy soba noodles. So this is something that goes back to the 17th century.  Again you're talking about the cold weather. You want something that warms your spirit, makes you feel really good and alive.

1:31 But the length of the noodles are critical. So you're not supposed to cut your noodles. You're not supposed to chop them. Slurping후루룩(서구에서 통상 무례라고 여기지만) is allowed at all times of the year, but especially on NewYear's Eve. Because the longer your noodle is, the longer your life will be, the more prosperity you'll have in the year ahead.

1:46 And we see this sort of sentiment echoed정서가 퍼져있다 in lots of different places, like in South Asia it's rice. Rice represents prosperity. ...

2:08e.. So let's begin with Ecuador. Now everyone wants to travel. You know, but you don't know if you can afford it. You don't know if you can do it.

2:14 So Ecuadorians have come up with 아이디어를 갖고 an interesting tradition. You take your suitcase for a walk. You can take it for a walk within your home. It has to be in a circle. Or you can take around the block. Your neighbors might be staring. It might be weird, but presumably everyone in the area knows what you're doing. ...

2:40. In Denmark this is about dishes and breaking dishes. ... On New Year's Eve if you really care about your friends, you go to their front door and you break dishes on their front steps. And it's meant to represent how popular you are. So the bigger the mess 깨진 접시가 많을수록you have to clean up on New Year's Day, the more popular you are...

3:05... Our final one, odd New Year's Day and Eve tradition is colorful underwear. And this is throughout Latin America. So you're supposed to wear the color that you want bring in the New Year with...

3:05 So what this means is if you want love in the year ahead, then you wear red, the color of love. If you want wealth and prosperity, you wear gold underwear. If you want peace and enlightenment지, you wear white. ...

3:42 Some people cheat둘러대기도 한다. They wear multiple different underwears

because they want everything over the course of the year.

1> Why Am I More Tired in the Winter?

부족한 비타민D. 신체는 멜라토닌을 만드느라 졸립다

0:23 Not enough sun exposure, less light during the day may cause

your body to produce more melatonin, making you sleepier.

0:31 A key source of vitamin D is sunlight. Just 10 minutes of sunshine

a day can help your body produce a full day's supply of vitamin D.

0:38 Eat the rainbow mindfully. 0:45 Practice good sleep.

0:52 Go outside anyway. ... Enjoying the outdoors and winter can be

as simple as reading by a warm fire or heading out for a hike.

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