
브런치북 Bye Newyork 09화

You can make anything
by writing


by Ellie J Apr 14. 2021



I often see the healing article around life.

I’ve been being curious why people focus that keyword especially nowadays?

And I might get a clue because of capitalism.

I might already know the reasons.

Many emotional essay say “It is okay, if I am alone”, “I hate myself for a long time” Why should i have judged myself, like I am not enough for getting love?

Is it good or bad? Capitalism society is so weird.

It is kind of in본성, but also against out 본성

The worthy resource is limited, and almost every one wants to get the same one. That is trigger of dilemma.

But, why we want same one even though we are all different?

자본주의는 우리가 같은 것을 원한다고 우리를 세뇌 시킨다.

We think everyone would like pretty face and perfect body, even though we are not care so much other people do have it. If we did love only top of pretty face, only few population could have succeed getting a partner.

이전 08화 10.17.19
brunch book

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