
브런치북 Bye Newyork 10화

You can make anything
by writing


by Ellie J Apr 16. 2021




I can’t handle my any situations, such as ability, love and money even though I am doing much effort. Just accept given things to me or keep trying against my destiny. I know no one knows whether is gonna be worth it. Let’s change the question. When should I have to stop? My brain is warning me that I have to stop action right now, but my mind doesn’t listen it. Which one is my opinion? Reason or sensibility. Defensive realism or naive romanticism. I used to be usually the latter person strongly, know. Sad memory makes me being a chicken more and more. Being adult means not only knowing about me much more than young, but also pileing my failing experiance. And I am facing my one more freaking memory. Today, I will be naive again, believing my romantic heart. I might be still a unmature person. I hope my coward girl inside me will cover a good result. Good luck me :)

이전 09화 10.18.19
brunch book

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