최근 헝다 사태의 의미를 평가하여 중국 성장세 둔화를 전망
기업의 현금흐름을 기준으로 경제 상황을 평가하는 것은 Hyman Minsky가 기업차원의 미시와 거시 경제를 동태적으로 결합해서 분석하는 과정에서 만든 것인데 핵심 개념은 간단하다.
1. 영업이익 > 이자비용 + 원금상환
(Hedge Financing)
2. 이자비용+원금상환> 영업이익> 이자비용
(Speculative Financing)
3. 이자비용 > 영업이익
(Ponzi Financing)
FRB 금융안정 보고서의 원문
Stresses in China’s real estate sector could strain the Chinese financial system, with possible spillovers to the United States
In China, business and local government debt remain large; the financial sector’s leverage is high, especially at small and medium-sized banks; and real estate valuations are stretched. In this environment, the ongoing regulatory focus on leveraged institutions has the potential to stress some highly indebted corporations, especially in the real estate sector, as exemplified by the recent concerns around China Evergrande Group. Stresses could, in turn, propagate to the Chinese financial system through spillovers to financial firms, a sudden correction of real estate prices, or a reduction in investor risk appetite. Given the size of China’s economy and financial system as well as its extensive trade linkages with the rest of the world, financial stresses in China could strain global financial markets through a deterioration of risk sentiment, pose risks to global economic growth, and affect the United States.