
You can make anything
by writing


by 죠앙요 Jan 22. 2023




    As I saw the topic of ‘대화', I was consider about the real meaning of it. I searched in the dictionary, and two words came up. ‘Conversation’ and ‘Talk’. Both have similar definitions, but on the other hand, have very different nuances. Unlike ‘Talk’ which brings only the motion of communication, ‘Conversation’ brings rather more contexts like atmosphere, facial expressions and the person. And today, I want to talk about the conversation.

    While I had been growing from birth to late 10’s, I’d been educated and communicated with my friends in Busan style. I was one of the most strict people, especially when it came to talking with others. But others also communicated the same as me. We always made fun of others, cursed them, and enjoyed ourselves. We, as high schoolers, had believed this is a cool and great culture for us

    Then came a disaster. After I moved to live in seoul, as a university student, I came to know that only I do the conversation in that manner. Others were so gentle, seeking for others’ feelings and talking in a really soft way. The ‘Seoul Dialect’ was smooth enough to surprise me. I thought, ‘wow, can people be that generous with their mouths?’. For me? I failed to make great communication, of course. I was one who always made others feel bad, who didn't consider the sense of atmosphere, and was a rude man.

    Thankfully, I have been trying to transmute my style so that now I feel far better when I have time with others. For more than 7 years, by practicing my development, I have been making others uneasy and maybe some might feel bad for it. Now, just being in Busan for several months, I found that many here still use a strict communication style. If I found it, I usually tell them these stories. and ask them to play their little soft sound.

    Conversation brings context, but that context is usually being judged by the way of expressions. We always need to develop the way of it. 




I loooooovvvvvveeeeee you!

The topic for next week is ‘봄이 되면 하고싶은것!'

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