
You can make anything
by writing


by 시골뜨기 Aug 22. 2020

The Notebook


난 영어를 잘 모르므로 영어로 쓰인 글을 잘 못 읽는다. 떠듬떠듬 읽으며 지레짐작을 하지만 막히는 게 너무 많다. 매달 영어로 쓰인 독후감이 내게 오지만 제대로 읽지 못하고 문서함에 차곡차곡 쌓아놓는다. 그나마 영어니까 볼만 하다. 만약 필리핀어인 타갈로그어로 쓰면 아예 까막눈일 텐데, 그래도 영어는 읽을 만하다. 요즘은 번역기가 잘 되어있어 해석이 가능하다. 단지 바로 명쾌하게 읽을 수 없어 조금 갑갑할 뿐이다.

필리핀 학생들이 내게 독후감을 보내는 것은 나를 위해 좋은 일이다. 그 아이들의 독후감을 읽는 것은 그 아이들이 쓴 작품을 읽는 것이다. 난 독서를 하는 것이다. 책값을 지불하듯 소정의 대가를 내는 것이다.

필리핀 학생들이 내게 독후감을 보내는 것은 그들에게 좋은 일이다. 숙제처럼 한 공부가 결국의 자기의 지식이 되듯이,  지금 그들이 독후감을 작성하는 것은 그들이 책 읽기, 생각하기, 글쓰기 훈련을 하는 것이다. 이 훈련을 통해 그들은 자랄 것이다. 

이번 달에 크리잘린이 보낸 독후감이다. 제목은 노트북이다. 사랑 이야기다. 글쓴이 아내의 조부모로부터 영감을 받아 쓴 러브스토리다. 80세 할머니가 요양원에 누워있다. 할아버지는 그들의 젊은 시절 사랑이야기를 쓴 노트를 읽어준다. 소설은 만약에 사랑하는 두 사람에게 다시 그 시절이 온다면 어떻게 될지를 묻는다. 그리고 '사랑은 모든 것을 정복한다.'라고 말한다.

Name: Crizialyn Sison

Disciple Making Church (Philippines)

                                      "The Notebook"

Good day to you Park Jipsanim! 

 I am so glad that Korea is getting better of the Pandemic. I hope that the Philippines would be the same with your country. 

For this book report I will use the novel I have read in my High School year entitled " The Notebook. " This novel was created by Nicholas Sparks who is also the author of " A walk to Remember" that I have used in my book report before.  

Sparks’ novel “The Notebook” is one of his famous literary works. It is a very interesting novel which describes that unconditional love does exist. The story is about what would happen if two people are given second chance at the love of the lifetime. 

This novel also encourages the reader to realize how important the beloved ones in life. The love theme which involves trust, hopes and loss made the writer decide to review this book to share the moral lessons from this novel. 

The Notebook was based on a true to life story that was inspired by the grandparents of his wife, who had been married for more than 60 years when he met them. In The Notebook, he tried to express the long romantic love of that couple. So the summarry of this story is that it was started  with the introduction of the male main character, Noah Calhoun, who was living in a nursing home at the age of eighty. 

Every morning, he reads to an old woman, who often doesn’t remember him, the same notebook which contains the story of an everlasting love. Then the readers were invited to live back in the early days when young Noah met a young energetic beautiful girl, Allie Nelson, in North Carolina. 

He started to fall for this girl from the very first sight. They spent summer perfectly together. Noah took Allie to a house built in 1772 and told her how he has always dreamed of buying and eventually fixing it someday. This couple was truly deeply in love. Unfortunately, Allie’s parents can’t feel the love that their daughter has. 

Noah and Allie were torn apart due to the difference classes they come from. Nelsons is a wealthy and highly regarded family while Calhouns is such a poor and unfortunate. Noah started to write to Allie everyday for an entire year but none was replied. At last, he decided to write one last letter and to move on with his life. 

Soon after that, he went to take a part in World War II. After fourteen years of extensive separation, the lovers were reunited with an unbreakable bond of true love. However, things are not the same anymore. 

Allie is now engaged to a decent lawyer, Lon, and Noah has already back from the war. Noah successfully restored his dream plantation house to its glory and made it published along with his picture in newspaper. Allie who was having a wedding preparation took by surprise seeing Noah’s with his dream house on an article. She decided that she had to see him again. She lied to his fiancé about her trip to North Carolina and said that she looked for antiques.

Allie has finally showed up at Noah’s doorstep. They spent some time together and they wind falling back in love. Her mother showed up at the house and had a discussion with her. Allie is left with a huge decision, stay with her fiancé or leave him for Noah. She made up her mind after reading all of the letters her mother had kept from her years ago. She showed up at Noah’s house and chose him. 

However, the story does not end here. Decades having passed, the elderly Allie is now severely struck by Alzheimer’s disease. Although Noah is not in the best shape himself, he keeps on reading a notebook to Allie every day which records the story of their romance, hoping to bring back her memory. 

The novels created by Nicholas Sparks mostly is all about love story isn't it? All of his novels is a beneficial writings that we could gain lots of learnings and realization. In this novel it really shows that "Love conquers all" The first and most important theme is: Love conquers all. 

Although this idea is sometimes overworked, in this particular work, it is the most prevalent theme of all. No matter how many setbacks Allie and Noah faced, their love always brought them together again. 

Do you believe in second chances?  I personally believe that the second chance do exist and was more sweeter than the first time around. Destiny will make you apart from your first love but if it is God's will for you,  he will come back in you arms again. 

 Sometimes if we sacrifice our own happiness for other's sake it is not necessarily the end. God who sees us will make his way for us to be happy and be secured in life. We will never know how God works in us ans sometimes his ways were painful enough but surely I know that God will give us another chance to smile and be happy again. 

Love can conquers all. May it be your fear,  your pain,  your doubts,  and your sins.  As it is written in 1 John 4: 18-19 " There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. 

The one who fears is not made perfect in love.We love because he first loved us. " True love stories are not always the ones which are famous or tragic. True love stories are also those which can happen to common people in common times and they fight, they struggle and they survive it. 

Some great love stories are those that age along with the couple who lived that story.The Notebook is an achingly tender story about the enduring power of love, a story of miracles that will stay with you forever. It makes you believe in that true love and it makes you believe that if it has to be yours then it will be yours no matter what happens. 

It teaches you never to give up on the person you love. It teaches you that life isn’t perfect as a whole. And life really is just a series of perfect moments strung together. You’ll get into arguments and disagree from time to time because no one’s perfect. But as long as there is love between you, fights will only make your relationship stronger. And also, the relationship would be more stronger if God is the center of it, nothing more nothing less.  

This novel is a good story made by a good and passionate author. This is a good story that youths and even parents would loved.  I want all of you, to be inspired of this kind of love be touched by the power of the real love. I will recommend this novel and other novels made by Nicholas Sparks to read by all youths to understand how real love works and to all the parents to understand the situation of their child in terms of loving someone. 

Youth and parents should have an open relationship for them to understand what are their thoughts with regards of loving someone. We know the parents knows what is best for their children. But parents should also know and ask, what are their child's need and want for them to be happy in a good way.  

I hope you have a great time reading this book report. Thank you so much for your support Park Jipsanim!  God bless you always. 

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