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Irresistible by Josh Bersin

by 방승천 Jul 30. 2023
브런치 글 이미지 1

In fact, you'd like your company to be so great people consider it "irresistible."  

They can't wait to come to work in the morning, wheter that's in the office, at home, or on the road. They love to tell their friends who they work for. And they never want to leave.

Isn't this what work should be all about - finding a job at a company with a mission tha makes you feel purposeful and fulfilled? Finding a manager who really cares and helps but who also stays out of the way? And finding a company that teaches you things; look after its employees, its customers and its communities; cares for the planet; and does great things for the world? 

That  company is irresistible.

Today’s world of work is filled with paradoxes. 

The economy is growing, but it’s harder to hire than ever.

Companies spend billions on benefits and perks, yet employee anxiety and stress are at an all-time high.

AI, robotics, and automation are everywhere, yet we work more hours and get less sleep. 

We can reach others in seconds from anywhere, but we feel isolated and lonely, particularly when working from home in today’s flexible working environment.

What I see now is clear: our economy in the third inning of a revolutionary change in the way businesses are run. We are in the middle of redefining principles of management and even the role of business as environmental and champions of diversity and inclusion. The way we define jobs, the way we organize our teams, the role of leaders, and the way we pay people are transforming.

And the result? Lots of worries about recruiting frontline workers, the role of hybrid work, employee wellbeing, and creating a sese of trust. Can an outside force fix all these problems? Absolutely not - the foundation fo tranformation lies in management: how we manage, organize, and empower our people.  As Jonathan Sacks describes in his book Morality, no amount of GDP growth can solve the problems we face today. The solutions all come down to management.

Driven by a series of lightning-fast changes in technology, globalization, and social consciousness around the world, the rules of business have changed, resulting in an extraordinarily profound rethinking of where, how, when, and even why people work today.

A failure to appreciate this transformation will culminate in an organization that is resistible. I'm offering the opposite in this book: seven management principles that will truly make your comapny irresistible - more focused, prposeful, and aligned. Your company will become more agile, more responsive, and more profitable. But event better, your employees, customers, and other stakeholders will be drawn to your company like magnets. 

work, not jobs
coach, not boss
culture, not rules
growth, not promotion
purpose, not profits
employee experience, not output

Why use the word "irresitable" to describe my goal? 

Quite simply because the essential theme of book is to unleash the power of the human spirit. Each individual, at every level of your company, is capable of doing more important and more valuable things than ever before. If you make yout company irresistible, these individuals will contribute, innovate, and grow. If you fall behind and your people feel frustrated, uneasy, unhealthy, or disconnected, they will slow you down, get in the way, and undermine your company in ways you may not be aware of.

This is not as easy it sounds. 

You can't just copy the programs or innovations of others. In my studies mor than 5,000 companies from around the world, under 10 percent are irresitible today. These are not young companies, tech companies, or companies in any particular industry - they are companies that understand these seven principles and work on them everyday. 

Now is your chance to join them.


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