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by 현안 XianAn 스님 Aug 10. 2022

Buddhist Meditation in Bundang

Every Sunday afternoon. Open to everyone

Learn Authentic Buddhist meditation in Bundang metro area. Free class. Open to everyone regardless ages and religions.

You can join meditation class at Jeweled Conch Seon Center (보라선원), conveniently located next to Sunae Station in Bundang (Next to Lotte Department Store). Bundang is the largest and most populous district of Seongnam city in the Capital Area of Korea.  

Buddhist Seon Meditation in Bundang

1pm - 3pm on every Sunday during Sep/Oct.

How to register: text your name to 010-9262-8441.

Instructor: HyunAn Sunim (현안 스님)

This class will be taught in both Korean and English by HyunAn Sunim(현안 스님).

Venerable HyunAn has been training under Master YongHua for over a decade and has been teaching Chan(or Seon) meditation since 2015.

In this class, you will learn the principles and techniques of Chan/Seon Buddhist meditation. The instructor will reveal the extraordinary method of Seon Meditation, from basic stretches and sitting postures, to the fundamental principles of Buddhism.

As a Buddhist nun, the sunim has practiced and taught many years under Master YongHua from Wei Mountain Temple (California, USA). Therefore, the instructor will present these ancient skills to the Western cultured or educated people in an easy format. This class will provide practical and concrete instructions and all people, regardless of their religions, can achieve personal benefits.

“Meditation is a powerful technique for restoring your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance. Ultimately, meditation will help you unfold your inherent wisdom, enabling you to end suffering and attain enlightenment. And on a more basic level, you will develop greater focus and concentration, which will have an immediate and practical application to your life.”

What you can learn at JC Seon Center

JC Seon Center is a branch buddhist temple of Wei Mountain Temple lead by Master YongHua. At JC Seon Center, you can participate various Buddhist style meditation classes (in-person and online), Mahayana Buddhist Sutras and Buddhist recitations in both English and Korean. All classes are provided for free and are open to everyone who is interesting in learning.

Visiting JC Seon Center

JC Seon center is located next to Sunae station on Bundang line(Yellow). You can easily transit from Selleung (line 2, green) or Dogok (line 3, orange) in Seoul. When you arrive at Sunae station, go to metro exit 2 or exit 3. Walk straight ahead and cross the street. You will find a small veggie and fruit shop on your right. JC Seon center is in the same building on 2nd and 5th floor (The sign shows “Jeweled Conch Seon Center” on yellow background).

More about JC Seon Center

Dharma Host Master YongHua

Master YongHua is the founder of Bodhi Light International, Inc (BLI) - a non-profit religious organization dedicated to benefiting all living beings through the teachings of Mahayana Buddhism. Master YongHua has been offering various cultivation programs and retreats over the past years in USA and Korea.

He established several way places in California and in South Korea. He also lectures on Mahayana Buddhist sutras and hosts meditation and Buddha recitation retreats several times every year at all his way places.

Master YongHua provides individualized guidance to help each person find the methods that are most appropriate to their current level and situation. He also spends a significant amount of time to answering questions. This allows him to tailor his teachings to the needs of individual students, many of whom have attained high levels in their meditation practice and have seen significant improvement to their health and personal relationships.

Instructor: HyunAn Sunim

HyunAn sunim is a left-home disciple of Master YongHua. She has trained for over a decade under Master YongHua in the USA and left home life at Wei Mountain Temple. She has been teaching Chan meditation since 2015 as a lay person. After leaving home life, she returned to her home country as per her master's instruction and currently resides at JC Seon Center. She is actively propagating Chan meditation and meditation method by her publications, radio program and meditation classes.

매거진의 이전글 분당 수내동 보라선원에서 일요 명상반 수강생 모집
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