54. What is the past tense of Be-verb?
영어 Be 동사를 알고 있다면 이제는 과거형을 지도해 보자. 물론, 과거형을 지도하기 전에 다시 한번 현재형에 대한 Be동사(is, am, are)를 지도한다.
‘ is, am, are’: they are the be-verb. ‘is, am, are’: 이것들이 비동 사다.
‘ was, was, were’: they are the past of the be-verb. was, was, were: 이것들이 과거형 비동 사이다.
is-was, am-was, are- were.
I am upstairs. 나는 위층에 있다. I was upstairs. 나는 위층에 있었다.
You are upstairs. You were upstairs.
He is upstairs. He was upstairs. She is upstairs. She was upstairs.
They are upstairs. They were upstairs. We are upstairs. We were upstairs.
We use the past tense to show an action that happened in the past. 우리는 과거에 일어난 일에 대해 이야기할 때 과거 동사를 쓴다.
When someone asks in the present tense, answer in the present tense. 누군가 현재형으로 물으면, 현재형으로 대답한다.
When someone asks in the past tense, answer in the past tense. 누군가 과거형을 물으면, 과거형으로 대답한다.
For example, Where is the apple? It is on the tree. 예를 들면, 사과가 어디 있니? 그것은 나무 위에 있다.
Where was the apple? It was on the tree. 사과가 어디 있었니? 그것들은 나무 위에 있었다.
Be 동사의 현재형과 과거형을 이해하고 쓸 수 있기 위해서 아래와 같이 말할 수 있어야 한다.
‘is, am, are’: they are the be-verb.
‘was, was, were’: they are the past of the be-verb.
is-was, am-was, are- were.
I am upstairs.. I was upstairs. You are upstairs. You were upstairs.
He is upstairs. He was upstairs. She is upstairs. She was upstairs.
They are upstairs. They were upstairs. We are upstairs. We were upstairs.
We use the past tense to show an action that happened in the past.
When someone asks in the present tense, answer in the present tense.
When someone asks in the past tense, answer in the past tense.
For example, Where is the apple? It is on the tree.
Where was the apple? It was on the tree.
내용을 먼저 이해한 후 그림을 보고 영어로 묘사해 보자. 뇌는 그림을 좋아하고 그림을 더 오래 기억한다. 기본 문법 개념을 이해했다면 그림을 보고 영어로 묘사하는 연습을 해보자.