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"84 Charing Cross Road"

after seeing the novel and film

by 준구 Jul 14. 2021

I saw the “cross Road” 84 Charing in the Movie.

Like reading a book, I wanted to feel the emotion in the film again.

The video, which is more difficult to express than the novel.

While reading the book, I was so happy because of their warm relationship.

Perhaps because of that good feeling and my literary imagination, I had higher expectations for the film.

When it comes to story, it contains so sweet friendship without meeting but only through letters. The poor book-lover woman not yet famous author lived in  America Who is Helene Hanff. She sends a mail to  England used book store Marks & Co if she can buy rare and good condition books more reasonable price.

Shop’s manager, Frank Doel notice that she is not enough money to buy new

books but an eagle to wisdom, English literature.

The corresponding starts from late 1940 to 1969 almost 20 years.

Once, Hanff sends fresh ham and meat to London book store friends.

They were all surprised and happy to get great quality and enough fresh food.

The movie also expressed that after the world wars food shortage, rare materials.

New York author supplies daily bread, London friend send back spiritual rich in return.

They complement each other.

What if they can meet together in reality, before Frank’s dead or her quick gaining fame as a writer. The movie’s prologue deals with Hellen Hanff’s anticipation of seeing the friends and book store Marks & Co.  The book records only the letters 20 years correspond, but the movie inserts a little more small stores.


In a movie, you can find young Anthony Hopkins and 1950~60 ths historical background in New York and London. Watching the inauguration of young Queen Elizabeth is very dramatic for me.

Thanks to the film, good memories, and soft humanism come to mind.

Suddenly, I am curious about the work and life of Helen Hanff.


I post a native speaker's review.

Also, there was such generosity of mind and spirit on the part of Helene in sending food parcels as she was quite poor during that period. In addition, the UK still had rationing after the Second World War and this lasted until 1954, and so these food parcels were very welcome. I do believe that the slowness of posting letters and awaiting replies enriched their relationship.      -  Lynne King  -
이전 13화 Anne of green gable

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