
You can make anything
by writing


by 유리안 Sep 12. 2016

꽃이 웃는다 / 유리안

A Flower Laughs / Rian Yu 


누가 저 꽃잎들을
하나하나 펴주고 있나보다
빽빽이 들어찬 언어들을
다 들여다보고 있나보다
한 번 웃을 때마다, 한 번
고개 내밀 때마다
촘촘히 들어선 이야기를
다 들어주고 있나보다

꽃이 웃고 있습니다


A Flower Laughs / Rian Yu

Seems like somebody
Is spreading the petals one by one
Seems like he is looking into
All the jam-packed language
Each time she laughs, each time
She peeks out her head
Seems like he listens to
All the closely knit stories

A flower is laughing

매거진의 이전글 능소화 / 유리안
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