
You can make anything
by writing


May be one

Prayer for all

Elections in which we each throw one vote do not make people one. Rather the consequences of the election actually divide people into two sides, that is, our side or the other’s.

After the presidential election in May, we have seen a division in the society which will be intensified after the local election that took place yesterday.

In the developed countries like the United States, the gap between Democrats and Republicans is getting wider and wider along with surges of social media such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, etc.

People do not want to spend time to search the necessary information and to find the truth. Instead people let others usually social media and their favorite news speak and choose a side for them without careful and thorough thought. So it is likely to see that the political division would be sharper and may reach to be even, namely, 50% vs. 50%.

Therefore the prayer of Jesus for becoming one is urgent in our society.

The following important question is how makes everybody one.

First we need to make room for others.  We have to be able to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes. Without being in the other side, we don’t know the other perspective.

Second we trust others as Jesus trusts us. Giving up his life, Jesus offers himself for the sake of us. As we share the body and blood of Jesus, we are called to be one because we break and share one body. It is the love that binds us and makes us one.

The image of a circle called (one) in Korean that is the perfect idea of becoming one by sharing one body in the Eucharist and becoming one community in the image of circle.

Let there all be one. Amen!

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