
You can make anything
by writing


Keep forgiving

Not being tired of asking forgiveness

We all make mistakes. Life is a cycle of mistakes and improvements. Learning from one's own mistakes makes people better and exceptional. 

Think about your mistakes that you made recently and recall what you did after that. 

In my case I am usually disappointed by my mistakes and sometimes tempted to condemn myself. 

But when I sit down before the tabernacle in the silence, I feel the presence of the Lord and I am consoled by it. And then I realize again that my heavenly Father is merciful and ready to forgive. 

At this moment, I recall the words of Pope Francis which says, "God never tires of forgiving us; we are the ones who tire of seeking his mercy."

As we finish up the sememster, our mistakes in deeds and words that we have done during the semester may make us feel disappointed and even miserable. 

But we have to remember that God is always waiting us to forgive and tenderly embrace; we are the ones who tire of asking forgiveness.

The scripture is the book of love, that is, the love letter to us from the Lord. In the same way, the scripture is the book of forgiveness full of mistakes, repentances and mercy.

There is no sin that God cannot forgive. The only sin that God cannot forgive is the sin that we are not asking for forgiveness.

Let's ask God to forgive us without shame which is first for ourselves and then for others because forgiveness always first benefits the one who forgives.

One day should not be passed by forgiving oneself and others. 

I won't be tired of asking forgiveness because forgiveness is already for-given to me even before I say a word before the Lord.

매거진의 이전글 May be one
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