
You can make anything
by writing



Being a Servant

One of the big changes in my life was from striving to be a successful business man to being a Christian by entering the seminary in 1999.

In the seminary I had grown to realize who I really was.

I am a messenger not a sender, a servant not a master.

My life is not mine but the Lord's and I must accept what life brings about to me and appreicate all with the eyes of faith.

My mantra has been a servant's words in the gospel: "I am a useless servant. I have done what I am called to do"(Luke 17,10).

If I influence and lead someone, it should come from a servant leadership that is a way to imitate the Lord.

Jesus, though He was the Son of God, came into the world not to be served but to serve. He freely accepted the cross and gave up His life for us.

"This is my body which will be given up for you."

In the mass, we hear the last and foremost important message from Jesus.

We are messengers of Jesus who sends us to proclaim the Good News. 

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