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A Little While

OH My Girl!

Jesus says today, “A little while and you will no longer see me, and again a little while later and you will see me”(John 16,16).

It makes the disciples confused to ask what 'a little while' means. 

For a long time in the early Christianity, Christians had believed that Jesus might come again in their life time because the Lord said that they would see Him in a little while.

But it has been almost two thousand years since Jesus left us. 

What does it mean by a little while? 

Do we still need to wait for the Lord's second coming? 

Here we should remember the words of St. Peter, "Do not ignore this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day"(2Peter 3,8).

In God's eyes, it has been just two days since the Lord left us. We do not know God's time.

Even Jesus says, "But of that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone"(Matt 24,36).

If someone says that he knows the day and hour, he is a liar which reminds us that we should be awake all the time and be ready to welcome the Lord any time.

We only can live in the present which is a precious present. I see it everyday and feel it every moment. 

The annual festival is going on in the campus at the moment. The students look happy and energetic, calling and singing with 'Oh My Girl'. How beautiful it is to live in the present!

A little while we enjoy the present and a little while we pray that we see you Oh my Lord!

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