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How Do You Live?

Rejoicing in the Lord

Too many things in our society sadden us. Besides climate change, inflation, war, politics, I would like to say one sad thing, that is gray future for the young.

When I was young, the society was full of possibilities, dreams and hopes. Even though I made many mistakes, I was not afraid because of bright future.

Nowadays it seems that we could live only today without being able to look forward to things in the future.

My favoriate Japanese Animation Director Miyazaki Hayao's new movie is called "How Do You Live?" which would be the director's personal and maybe last question to all of us.

How do you live? What is your life purpose? Why do you live?

To be honest, I do not know the answer. What I know is that I am living anyway and on the way to somewhere or someone. I try to be faithful and joyful along the way.

In fact, we can only live one day at a time, meet one person at a time, do one work at a time.

If we take this truth, we want to live today instead of yesterday or tomorrow because yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, and today is present.

"Today is holy to the LORD your God. Do not be sad, and do not weep"(Neh 8,9). 

Nehemiah urged Israel not to be sad in the first reading. Instead he said rejoicing in the LORD must be our strength. 

If we decide to live in accordance with the law of the LORD, it refreshes the soul and enlightens the eye.

Therefore, do not be saddened to think about the future. Rather strive to live today in accordance with the words of the law which will give joy to the heart. Amen.

매거진의 이전글 Having mercy and choosing
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