
You can make anything
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by 모현주 Sep 20. 2020

매우 예민한 사람들을 위한 책

- 너무 다양한 예민함이 같이 다루어진 듯

요즘 한국에서도 "예민함" 이라는 주제에 대한 책들이 많이 나오기 시작했다. 보통은 프랑스나 미국에서 나온 "정신적 과잉 활동인", "센서티브", "엠패스" 등에 대한 번역서들이 많은데 이건 한국에서 나온거라 역시  결이 다르다. 보통 나르시시스트나 분노중독자에 의한 정서적 학대가 같이 다루어지는데  책에서는 한데  묶여있다.

한국만 그런건 아니지만 "예민함" 부정적으로 보는 경향들이 있다. 하지만 공감 능력이나 창의력이 높은 이들은 대부분 예민성이 높은 사람들이다.  책에서도 이런 부분이 조금 언급되기는 하지만 약간 너무 다양한 종류의 심리적 어려움들을 모두 예민이라는 카테고리에 담은 느낌이다.

그렇지만 책의 뒷부분에 걱정 리스트를 만들어보고 이를 다루는 방법을 소개하는 것은 나름 유용하게  수도 있는 가이드라는 생각이 들었다. 걱정과 불안 등의 부정적인 생각, 감정들을 관리하는 것은 우리 삶의 질에 매우  영향을 미치니 말이다.

These days, books on "sensitivity" are drawing attention. Before, those books were usually translated versions that psychological experts in France or US wrote (hyper sensitive, empath..). Yet, this one was written by Korean psychiatrist and the approach was a little bit different. Usually, other books deal with emotional harassment by narcissists or anger addicts. On the other hand, in this book, the definition or cases tended to be too broad.

In many cases, "sensitivity" is seen as something negative especially conservative societies like South Korea. Yet, psychologists have begun to focus on positive aspects of sensitive people like empathy or creativity. This book also mentions this kind of aspect, but it was just too broad dealing with all the other psychological difficulties like depression.

However, the later part of the book could be helpful for those who have too much thoughts or worries. Author suggests to make a list of worries and to try to solve them according to each category. Management of negative thoughts or emotion are closely related to the quality of our life.

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