
You can make anything
by writing


by Plato Won Mar 08. 2019


UCAS essay

Growing up in an entrepreneurial family is one of the biggest reasons for my enthusiasm towards management. I was able to observe how my father started with only a vision to establish an influential business. Ever since I witnessed this trajectory, I was eager to delve into the world of how a simple concept could affect the world that we live in and thinking in unconventional ways is a must whether they be in the professional world or in projects of practice as the ones I have undertaken.


The opportunity to be prepared to independently study in UK system by living on the campus of INTO UEA compelled me to pack my bags for the UK. Mingling with campus students from all over the world and gaining academic insight through these interactions not only taught me ways to explore my own way of understanding a subject area, but to also tackle obstacles on my own. The cultural and diversity of its people and academia in the UK will provide me the opportunity to create professional relationships with peers of all different backgrounds, and to gain a broader understanding of how to connect a variety of practices together.


This idea of connecting disciplines together came to my attention when I decided to write my very first modern classical composition, which many find too conceptual. During one of my management lectures on my campus, I noticed the lecturer skipped over the Theory of Marginal Gains where it delineated how small improvements in a process leads to a significant improvement when added together. Struck by the notion, I conducted a market analysis on my peers’ music purchases and read articles on modern classics. Before, every time my composition was rejected by my audience, I would start again without any prior research. But after I started to use the theory, I took into account all of my findings to consistently make edits throughout the process, and when combined together, to ultimately produce an abstract piece that my peers appreciated. I began to see how I could apply classroom concepts throughout the different facets of my life.


This past June I was thrilled to have taken part in the Crest Award Project where the objective was to create an ideal air travel company. I volunteered for the role of researching an effective price system of the market. The greatest challenge of the project was that the team was discordant, as members dismissed each other’s ideas. To dissipate the tension in our group, I suggested that everyone should think about a strength of another person’s idea, and it became a process of blended learning where the assets of each notion was brought together to create one harmonious proposal. Our group noticed that our project became quite comprehensive of different viewpoints resulting in a more empathetic reaction from our audience. Subsequently, I learnt the importance of taking constructive criticism into account. My time at Crest has taught me how to navigate through complications to reach a deliverable outcome. Despite our turbulent beginnings, at the end of the day, we managed to receive the gold award.  


To enhance my aptitude for my course, I joined the Everest Challenge, where my team placed QR codes on each floor of our campus to allow people to record the number of floors they had ascended. The aspiration of the project was to walk the height of Mt. Everest by climbing the stairs in an interactive manner in order to encourage the habit of climbing stairs to conserve the use of energy from elevators. Despite our large population of stakeholders, we voted on the best idea, among many, that kept along the concept of a greener society. Thinking about our participants, we came up with a package of benefits people could receive by partaking in our Everest Challenge. Our solution was to rank our over 50 participants, according to the height of stairs they have climbed, and distribute awards accordingly. During the process, I learned how imperative it is to predict the needs of customers at an early stage. Not only did I acquire invaluable business insight, but through collective efforts, we were able to procure yet again, another gold medal.


The world of business management has been re-oriented as technological systems have made data for businesses extremely illuminating. There has never been a better time to further understand and apply concepts such as mobile solutions and analytic services, to prepare for the trajectory the field of business and technology is on. To learn the world of business management through a UK university, one that is self-driven in order to launch my career in the field, would be an unparalleled prospect.

Written by J.Yong

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