만일 그가 나를 안아 주며, "축하해"라고 했다면 우리는 이혼하지 않았겠죠.
그 대신 그는 나를 비웃다가, 출연료를 듣고는 "우리 극단에 쓰면 되겠다"라고 하더라고요. 그는 나를 진정으로 봐주었던 것이 아니죠.
If he had just taken me into a big hug and said,
"Bady, I'm so exicited for your adventure."
then we might not be getting divorced.
But, he made fun of it and then he realized about the money. And he told me I could funnel it back into the theater company. And that's when I realized he truly didn't see me.
사람들은 과음하거나, 자신의 아이에게 소리치는 엄마를 받아들이지 않아. 우리는 부족한 아빠는 받아들이지. 생각해봐 좋은 아빠라는 개념이 나온 지가 30년도 되지 않았어. 우리는 그들이 바뀌길 바라지만, 한편으로 그들의 부족함을 받아들이지. 그러나 사람들은 엄마는 완벽해야 한다고 생각해. 너는 앞으로도 더 높은 기준으로 평가받을 거야. 현실이 그래.
People don't accept mothers who drink too much wine and yell at their child. We can accept an imperfert dad. Let's face it, the idea of a good father was only invented like 30 years ago. We can all say that we want them to be different. But on some basic level, we accept them. We love them for their fallibilities, but people absolutely don't accept those same failings in mothers. You will always be held to a different, higher standard. That's the way it is.
너는 언제나 내가 잘못한 것을 지적했고, 내가 모자란 것을 상기시켰어
You always made me aware of what I was doing wrong, how I was falling short.