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브라운 대학, 내년SAT/ACT 옵셔널 정책 연장

For first-year applicants in the 2021-2022 admission cycle, Brown is test optional. (브라운대는 2022학년도 신입생 지원자들에게 테스트 옵셔널 정책을 연장 적용한다)

내년(2022학년도)에 브라운 대학에 지원하는 현재 11학년 학생들의 경우 SAT/ACT 점수를 내지 않아도 된다. 물론 높은 SAT 점수를 확보한 학생이라면 당연히 내는 게 좋다. 그러나 일반적으로 브라운대학에 합격하는 학생들의 평균 점수 이하의 점수를 확보하고 있다면 내지 않아도 문제가 없다. 브라운 대학은 점수를 내지 않아도 불이익은 없다고 강조했다.

만일 SAT 점수를 보내려면 공통 애플리케이션을 통해 자체 성적표를 작성하거나, 브라운 지원자 포털을 통해 점수를 업로드하거나, 공식 시험 점수를 브라운에게 직접 전송하면 된다.

브라운 대학에 앞서 하버드, 스탠퍼드, 컬럼비아, 유펜, 코넬, 라이스, 버지니아 대학 등이 테스트 옵셔널 정책을 1년 더 연장한다는 방침을 발표했다. <미래교육연구소>

다음은 브라운 대학이 홈페이지를 통해 알린 2022학년도 SAT/ACT 옵셔널에 대한 정책이다.

For first-year applicants in the 2021-2022 admission cycle, Brown will extend our test-optional policy. We know that the ability to register for in-person standardized testing remains limited, and that students are facing particularly great challenges in regions that have already been disproportionately affected by the global pandemic. As this impact continues to be felt by students and families around the world, our admission policies continue to adapt to align with these new and evolving challenges.

Students who are not able to submit scores this year will not be disadvantaged in our admission process, and we will look to other aspects of the application, from course grades and curricular challenge to insight from counselors and teachers, to assess academic preparation. Scores may be self-reported or sent officially to Brown, and we continue to accept Score Choice and will always consider a student’s highest scores if multiple results are submitted. The SAT or ACT, when submitted, will continue to be considered in the context of all the other information we have about a candidate, and is one of multiple ways in which students may show preparedness for the academic rigor of Brown. While standardized testing has long been a component of our holistic admission process, it has always been one among many components that we consider. Testing can be informative, but is only one part of a much larger and more important story about an individual applicant. 

International applicants and non-native speakers of English may find further information on English proficiency testing recommendations here. Testing requirements for transfer applicants remain consistent as they are detailed here, with the understanding that transfer applicants who have not previously been able to take a standardized test will not be required to submit scores. Brown will continue to adhere to Ivy League policies regarding testing requirements for applicants who plan to participate in varsity athletics. 

We hope that retaining a test optional policy for the 2021-2022 admission cycle will better enable students to prioritize their health and well-being, and that of their families, in the months ahead. While the applications that students submit during the pandemic will undoubtedly look different than in years past, we remain committed to a thoughtful and thorough holistic review process. For more detail regarding our test optional policy for 2021-2022, please see our dedicated FAQ.

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