
You can make anything
by writing


by Lois Kim 정김경숙 Apr 13. 2024

명전동후, 들어보셨나요?

research (n) //  research (v)


명전동후, 이거 아시는 분, 아마도 40-50대 분이지 않을까 싶네요. 아니면 요즘도 학교에서 그렇게 가르치는지 모르겠지만요. 명사형은 강세가 앞에, 동사형은 뒤에 라는 뜻이였어요. 


즉, 명사형과 동사형이 스펠링이 같은데, 강세가 다르게 오는 단어들을 말하는 것을 뜻하는데요, 예전 학력고사 세대때 영어 시험에 단골 문제였습니다. 사실 근데, 공부할때는 다 알아도, 이게 막상 말할 때는 강세가 제대로 안나오더라구요. 머리로 아는 것과 입에서 나오는 것과 정말 다르기 때문에, 많이 말하고, 많이 듣는 수밖에 없습니다. 

아래는 가장 많이 쓰이는 단어들 입니다. 꼭 자기만의 문장을 만들어서 연습해야합니다.

저는 어제 recording file 을 말할때 첫음절에 recording을 말했는데, 두번째 음절에 강세가 있어야하더라구요. 명사는 , 커드, 에 가깝고, 동사는 리, 코우드, 에 가깝습니다. 

Present (noun): /ˈprɛz.ənt/ - Here is your birthday present.
Present (verb): /prɪˈzɛnt/ - I will present the report at the meeting.

Record (noun): /ˈrɛk.ɔːrd/ - Vinyl records are making a comeback.
Record (verb): /rɪˈkɔːrd/ - Don't forget to record the TV show.

Import (noun): /ˈɪm.pɔːrt/ - The country relies on imports for many goods.
Import (verb): /ɪmˈpɔːrt/ - We import goods from overseas.

Permit (noun): /ˈpɜː.mɪt/ - Do you have a parking permit?
Permit (verb): /pəˈmɪt/ - The city will permit the construction to proceed.

Refuse (noun): /ˈrɛf.juːs/ - Put your refuse in the recycling bin.
Refuse (verb): /rɪˈfjuːz/ - She will refuse the offer if it's not acceptable.

Subject (noun): /ˈsʌb.dʒɪkt/ - English is my favorite subject.

Subject (verb): /səbˈdʒɛkt/ - We will subject the proposal to further analysis.

Object (noun): /ˈɒb.dʒɪkt/ - The object of the game is to score points.
Object (verb): /əbˈdʒɛkt/ - I object to the proposal on ethical grounds.

Progress (noun): /ˈprəʊ.ɡrɛs/ - There has been significant progress on the project.
Progress (verb): /prəˈɡrɛs/ - How do you plan to progress from here?

Protest (noun): /ˈprəʊ.test/ - They organized a peaceful protest.
Protest (verb): /prəˈtɛst/ - We will protest against the unfair treatment.

Rebel (noun): /ˈrɛb.əl/ - The rebel forces retreated into the mountains.
Rebel (verb): /rɪˈbɛl/ - They chose to rebel against the corrupt government.

Conflict (noun): /ˈkɒn.flɪkt/ - There is a conflict between the two parties.
Conflict (verb): /kənˈflɪkt/ - Their opinions will conflict if they discuss politics.

Content (noun): /ˈkɒn.tɛnt/ - The website has engaging content.
Content (verb): /kənˈtɛnt/ - I am content with the decision.

Desert (noun): /ˈdɛz.ət/ - The Sahara is a vast desert.
Desert (verb): /dɪˈzɜːt/ - He will desert his post if he's not happy.

Escort (noun): /ˈɛs.kɔːt/ - The VIP was accompanied by an escort.
Escort (verb): /ɪˈskɔːt/ - I will escort you to your seat.

Implant (noun): /ˈɪm.plænt/ - The dentist inserted a dental implant.
Implant (verb): /ɪmˈplɑːnt/ - We will implant the idea in their minds.

Insert (noun): /ˈɪn.sɜːt/ - Push the key into the insert.
Insert (verb): /ɪnˈsɜːt/ - Can you insert the image into the document?

Object (noun): /ˈɒb.dʒɪkt/ - The object of the game is to score points.
Object (verb): /əbˈdʒɛkt/ - I object to the proposal on ethical grounds.

작가의 이전글 스킨 인더 게임. skin in the game
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