
You can make anything
by writing


by 이용만 May 29. 2024

베스킨 라빈스 story2-1

Eating Your Way to Happiness

TED( Ideas worth spreading)

Eating Your Way to Happiness 행복하기 위해 먹는 방법 by Ocean Robbins 1

00:14 Can food make us happy? Yes. When we're down 우울할 때, a lot of us

reach for comfort foods 위안을 주는 음식을 찾는다. What comes to your mind when you hear

that phrase? Who here likes ooey gooey 끈적한(유아적 표현) mac and cheese? What about

oven-baked cookies? How about warm pizza? Who here likes ice

cream? I'll guess the first thing that came to your mind was not

sunflower sprouts 해바라기 새싹.

00:40 We all know that vegetables in the long run are probably good

for us and that fast food burgers probably are not. But most of us

don't especially like this fact. Because let's be honest, donuts taste

better than dandelion greens 민들레 채소(고들빼기 류).

01:00 In my family, we have an interesting take on all this 흥미로운 견해. You see, it

all starts from me with my Grandpa Irv. He used to love to sit back

and read the morning newspaper over his coffee. He always enjoyed

making people smile. And he was a as a bit eccentric  좀 별난.

01:18 He actually had an ice cream cone shaped swimming pool. And

just before my dad was born, Grandpa Irv (Irvine Robbins) started an

ice cream company. It was a successful business, and he grew my dad

from early childhood to one day join him in running it 어느날 함께 운영하게 되었다.

01:37 But then something changed. Everything changed, actually, when

my dad's uncle - my grandpa's brother-in-law 처남 and business partner

Burt (Burt Baskin) was diagnosed with heart disease. My great-uncle

ended up passing at the age of 54.

01:55 So when the time came for my dad to join in running the family

business, and he was offered that chance, he said, "No." He didn't

want to spend his life selling a product that might contribute to

making more people like his uncle Burt get sick 병들게 만드는데 기여할 수 있다. 

So he walked away,

and my grandpa was really hurt and really angry. He'd spent his life

building a business that he was proud of. He wanted to share it with

his only son.

02:20 My dad was walking away, but my dad had to follow his own

star. So he joined with my mom, moved to a little island off the coast

of Canada, where they got super healthy as *back-to-the-lander hippies 귀환한 히피처럼(hip : 앤 핫 의미). They built a one-room log cabin, grew most of their own food,


and named their kid "Ocean." They almost named me "Kale." Way (강조의 의미)

before kale was cool  케일이라는 이름이 멋져보이기 전부터....

02:55 But we did eat a lot of kale and other veggies from the garden.

Our diet was simple. It was based around legumes 콩과류 and whole grains

and fruits and vegetables and nuts and seeds and a whole lot of

sprouts. And even though I didn't have fast food or processed food or

added sugars, I grew up loving to eat, especially wild berries.

03:15 You know, my dad grew up with a lot of ice cream in the

freezer. I grew up with a lot of seeds in the sprouting jar. My dad

grew up often sick with acne 뾰루지 and asthma and constant colds. I grew

up pretty healthy. I ran my first marathon when I was ten. My dad

grew up sometimes eating ice cream cake for breakfast....


But as the years went by, I couldn't help but notice 눈치채지 않을 수 없었다 that my

grandparents' health was fading. And it seemed like with every passing

visit 지나가면서 들릴때마다, they had less energy. My grandpa was

was still pretty mad at my dad for 때문에 화나다 walking away from the family business. But we were family and there was love. At the end of the day, we discovered that love runs

even thicker than ice cream. ...

04:50... Now, in his late 60s, my grandpa was suffering from serious

weight issues: type 2 diabetes and heart disease. His doctors told him

that if something didn't change, he was likely to lose an arm or a leg

to his diabetes  병 때문에, if a heart attack didn't kill him first.

05:05 And then they gave him a copy of a book called "Diet for a New

America," and told him he should read it if he wanted to save his life 살고 싶으면.

The doctors apparently did not realize that the book that they were

giving to their patient was written by the *maverick 독불장군같은 son of their patient.

05:24 Amazingly enough, Grandpa Irv read the book, and he made big

changes. He started eating a lot more vegetables and whole plant

foods. He cut way  강조의 뜻 down on his meat and dairy consumption. He gave

up sugar, and he gave up ice cream. And Grandpa Irv got results. He

lost a bunch of weight. He got off all of his diabetes and blood

pressure medications because he no longer needed them....


*BTL(Back to the Land Movemet) : 반문화 운동의 트렌드로서 미국 아칸소주의 오자크산맥에 귀한한 시골 히피족을 지칭하는 운동(1968~1983년)

*새뮤얼 매버릭 (Samuel Maverick)

19세기 텍사스의 목장주였던 새뮤얼 매버릭은 자신의 소들이 낙인(브랜드) 없이도 구별될 수 있다고 믿었으며, 이는 그의 독립적이고 비관습적인 성향을 잘 보여줍니다. 매버릭의 이름은 이후 '관습에 얽매이지 않는 사람'을 의미하는 단어로 사용되기 시작했습니다. 이는 그가 단순히 소에게 낙인을 찍지 않은 행동 이상의 문화적 영향을 미쳤음을 보여줍니다. 동물복지에 대한 관심을 높이며,  동물 도축 과정에서의 스트레스를 크게 줄이는 혁신적인 접근으로 마련된 템플 그랜딘(Temple Grandin)의 도축 시스템에 영향을 주었습니다.

현대의 대표적인 매버릭 인물로 엘론 머스크(테슬라, 스페이스X, 뉴럴링크), 버진 그룹의 창립자이자 회장인 리처드 브랜슨(레코드 회사, 항공사, 우주 여행 회사)이 유명합니다. 

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