
You can make anything
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by 이용만 Jun 05. 2024

배스킨 라빈스 story2-2

Eating Your Way to Happiness

TED(Ideas worth spreading)

Eating Your Way to Happiness by Ocean Robbins

06:07 So do you know why I'm telling you all this? Is it because I'm

on some kind of an anti-ice cream crusade 개혁운동? Am I here to give you a

lecture on the virtues of eating tofu 두부 먹기의 미덕에 관해?

06:16 Well, there are a few other reasons. We've seen in our family

how powerful food can be. Food can hurt us, and food can heal us.

And every bite we take matters 우리가 먹는 모든 음식이 중요하다.

There was an old saying that a person with their health has a thousand dreams,

A person without it has got just one dream. "건강을 지닌 사람은 천 가지 꿈을 갖지만,

건강을 잃은 사람은 한 가지 꿈밖에 없다"라는 옛말도 있다.

06:37 According to the United Nations, every year preventable chronic

illness 예방가능한 만성질환 prematurely 조기에 takes the lives of more than 41 million people. And I want to emphasize the word "preventable" here, because what this means is that a huge amount of this suffering and misery and premature death that we think is normal

might be something we could do something about 뭔가를 할 수 있었을 어떤 것일 수 있다.

And the number one differentiator 최고의 차별화 요소 that can tilt the odds in our favor 우리에게 유리한 확률 turns out to be the food on our plates.

07:09 Credible researchers tell us that with a healthy diet and lifestyle,

we can prevent 80% of cardiovascular disease and 90% of type 2 diabetes.

And dietary intervention alone 식이요법만으로도 has been shown to be able to prevent 53% of Alzheimer's cases.

07:29 Now, you might be thinking, "Come on, Ocean. We're all going to die of something.

Is it really so bad if we die a little sooner 좀 더 빨리 죽고, if at least we've had some fun  적어도 즐거웠다면 and enjoyed some ice cream and cheeseburgers along the way 순리대로?” It's a totally fair question 그렇게도 질문할 수 있겠네요, 그럴 수도 있지(Fair enough!).

What about our quality of life? See, more and more people are not just dying of chronic disease. They are living chronically disabled.... 만성적으로 장애를 갖고 산다는 일이다

09:56... Food shapes not just how long you live, but how alive you feel.

And it might also impact how you feel about your place in the world.

You see, what we eat doesn't just impact our health 먹는 것이 건강에만 영향을 미지는 게 아니다. It affects people, ecosystems, and communities all around the globe.

10:16 When you stop giving your money to companies whose practices 회사의 비즈니스

you don't agree with, when you support foods and farmers and

agricultural practices that align with your values 당신의 가치관과 일치하는, maybe you want to

contribute to a more healthy or a more ethical or a more sustainable world, well, it can feel really good to know that you're part of the solution. There are so many ways that healthy food can lead us to more happiness.

10:43 So when to begin? Well, the good news is it is never too late to

make a change and reap the benefits 혜택을 받아 누리다. In fact, a recent major

meta-analysis released last year concluded that moving from a typical diet to an optimal 최적의 diet, even as late as the age of 60, can add eight more healthy years of life. And if you start sooner, you can add even more..

11:55... You know, my grandpa, Irv Robbins, and his brother-in-law,

Burt Baskin, were pretty good at selling ice cream. In fact, Baskin-Robbins went on to become the world's largest ice cream company with thousands of stores around the world. So when my dad, John Robbins, walked away, he left a path that was practically paved with gold 금으로 포장된 길 as well as ice cream.

In our family, we like to say 말하고 싶군요 that he followed his own "rocky road".

12:26 In the 1950s, my grandpa and his team at Baskin-Robbins came up with one of the world's most iconic slogans. Now, 70 years later, it is still being used to sell ice cream all around the world. It was "We make people happy." There is no doubt about it. Ice cream has

brought a lot of smiles to a lot of people's faces. But I think we're learning today, that in the long run, there is more happiness to be found in health than in sickness.

12:57 What if we ask not what do I want now, but what do I want most? Everyone deserves to be happy. You deserve to be happy and to love your life.

Every bite we take is a step. Overtime, the steps add up, and they can literally make the difference between whether we wind up 마치게 되는(창을 돌려 올려 닫는) in a nursing home waiting for death or climbing mountains.

The truth is clear. Food can hurt us. Food can heal us. And yes, I do believe that food can make us happy. Thank you.

 "We make people happy."라는 70년 배스킨 라빈스의  슬로건처럼, 한국지점인 SPC본사의 양재동 Work Shop에는 형형색색의 아이스크림과 케이크 마카롱등으로 사람들을 매혹하고 가상현실 같은 대형스크린은 아름다운 예술품이다.

 달콤한 아이스크림 맛뿐만 아니라 공간 안에서 힐링이 되는 기분을 만끽할 수 있었다. 하지만 "섭취하는 음식이 그 사람을 나타낸다"는 이 있듯이 음식이 해가 되는가 힐링이 되는가를 건강의 관점에서 바라보아야 한다고 배스킨의 손자는 강조하고 있다. 배스킨 가문의 아버지  John과 대(代)를 이어 손자 Ocean까지도 설립자 Robins 할아버지의 아이스크림을 적극 반대하는 관점에 서있다.

 병 주고 약 주기 인가( kiss & a punch)? 너무나 강렬한 유혹에 빠져들 수밖에 없는 아이스크림이고 초콜릿이다.  배스킨 라빈스 패밀리에는 인류역사상 절대 패망할 수 없는 균형 잡힌 사업감각을 갖추어야 한다는 철학이 자연스럽게 녹아있는 가문인가 보다. 아, 아이스크림이여~  곧 후회를 불러오기도 하지만, 그곳 매장에서 남녀노소 모두 즐거워하는 표정은  사실이었다. 그들의 슬로건'We make people happy'처럼...      

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