
You can make anything
by writing


by 성냥갑 Nov 07. 2019

티끌모아 영어문장

티끌이라도 모아보면 장난이 아니게 된다

언어 씹어먹기를 시작한 지 7일 차다. 이걸 시작하고 알게 된 것은 지금도 언어 공부에 시간 할애를 별로 못한 편인데도 1주일이 금방 지나가는 데, 이런 환경설정도 안 했으면 언어 공부 시간을 이것조차도 안 냈을 거란 충격적인 사실이었다. 객관적으로 내가 쏟은 시간이 그걸 증명해주고 있었고 소름이 돋았다. 그런데도 영어를 잘하고 싶다고 스트레스만 받았으니 참 말도 안 되는 헛된 정신적 소모만 했던 거다. 뭐라도 실천을 하면서 나의 행동들에 피드백을 해야 보완할 사항을 반영할 텐데 아무것도 안 하면서 '해야 하는데...'라는 마음만 먹고 있었다니... 이래서 데일리 리포트가 중요하다고 하는 거구나.

7일째가 되었으니 그동안 한 영작 표현들이 얼마나 되는지 한 번 모아봤다.

[영작하기 #01~06]

If I knew how to learn english as soon as possible, I wouldn't be writing this essay, I would be doing Youtube. But here is one thing I can do I can point out where you can see interviews that will give you additinal guidance. Just watching Netflix or Youtube is not the answer to most people's problem of learning english. In fact, I have often seen it happen that afraid in english make more stress and fear it cause more fear and stress about english.

What causes most people to worry is not that they couldn't speak english, but that they don't know how to learn english in most efficient way. Because there are so many people to say that THIS is the best way to improve your english skill. Before you give up learning english, please remember that we didn't even try to find the most efficient way to learn other languages.

I was not impressed by what I read. I think I could write a better one myself. I had been corresponding with a little girl who was the daughter of some friends. She wanted to know what was keeping me so busy, and I enjoyed trying to explain my subject to her in ways she would understand. I wasn't sure that it could be done, but I liked the challenge and agreed to try. I set out to write a chapter a day. In the morning, I would read up on the day's topic from what books were avaliable in e-book liberary. In the afternoon, I would go to the library to seek out, wherever possible. Evenings were for writing. The only exceptions were Saterdays and Sundays.

6일밖에 안되었는데 최소 한 문장씩이라도 영작을 하니 이 정도 양이 모였다는 게 놀랍다. 그저 한 줄이라도 매일매일 영작해야겠다는 데에 동기부여가 더 된다. 역시 눈으로 확인해야 한다...

[영작하기 #07]

One Sunday, as my husband remebers it, we were walking in the park and had stopped for a break. I said 'Do you mind if I read you something?' That something was book I wrote in that time. Evidently he like it, and the readings continued for the next six weeks until the book was done. This book is not a topic for children, but for slightly older readers. I wrote all my books in English. If there was ever to be an English edition, I was going to translate it myself. Also I would like my readers to relax, and to follow the story without having to take notes or to memorise names an dates. In fact, I promise that I shall not examine them on what they have read.(참고 예문 : refer to 'A Little history of the world by E.H. Gombrich  p.20)


[실제상황 #01~06]

Is there anything I can help you with?

I have read the book called Doing Good Better by William Macaskill. It was so impressive to me. I wonder how do you think about business approach for environmental issues, rather than social movements. Because I think main reason that people don't give any attention to environmental issues is financial worries.

I think it seems to be divided into two extremes. People who doing good things don't into being a rich. I would say this is why most people don't set in motion for environmental issues.

How do you get people to pay attention to your issues?

"Do you have any plans to open information about Ad astra School?"

Ellon Musk said, "Are you interested in going to Mars? (Do you have any interest in going to Mars?)"

I said, "No...."

"I bet you don't need any information about Ad astra School if you have no interest in space issues."

"I.... I see... Nice talking to you."

Me: If you can retire early what do you want to do?

Friend : Well, I want to travel all over the world and read lots of books.

Me: Have you ever thought about specific plans of your life after early retirement? Not just travel or read, but extreamly specific way.

Me: Did you ever think about ideas for passive income? Do you really like writing?

[실제상황 #07]

Do you use this phrase in your daily life such as 'Many drops make a shower'?

What is the meaning of this expressions?

What is another expressions for 'Many drops make a shower'?

How can I say 'Many drops make a shower' in another words?

What is common phrase you use in your daily life?

속담에 대해 찾다가 마이클쌤의 원어민이 자주 쓰는 속담 20가지 표현도 찾게 되었다.

1. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

의역: 남의 떡이 커 보인다.

2. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

의역: 한 가지 사업이나 투자에 모든 것을 걸지 마라

3. You can’t judge a book by its cover

의역: 외모로만 판단하지 마라.

4. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

어떤 사람에게는 쓰레기인 것이 누군가에게는 보물일 수 있다.

5. Too many cooks in the kitchen spoil the broth.

의역: 사공이 많으면 배가 산으로 간다.

6. Actions speak louder than words.

말보다 행동이 더 중요하다.

7. A watched pot never boils.

의역: 기다릴수록 더 오래 걸린다.

8. You can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.

의역: 큰 일을 하려면 갈등을 피할 수 없다.

9. Birds of a feather flock together.

의역: 유유상종

10. The early bird catches the worm.

일찍 일어나는 새가 벌레를 잡는다.

11. A tiger can’t change its stripes.

의역: 사람은 자기 본성을 바꿀 수 없다.

12. Better late than never.

아예 안 하는 것보다 늦게라도 하는 게 낫다.

13. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

두 번 당했다고 해서 남에게 똑같은 짓을 해도 되는 것은 아니다.

14. When in Rome, do as the Romans.

로마에 가면 로마 법을 따라야 한다.

15. Necessity is the mother of invention.

필요는 발명의 어머니다.

16. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

오늘 할 일을 내일로 미루지 마라.

17. People who live in grass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

의역: 본인도 흠이 있으면서 남을 비난하면 안 된다.

18. Home is where the heart is.

마음 가는 곳이 곧 집이다.

19. Don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched.

의역: 확실해지기 전까진 성공이라고 생각하지 마라.

20. Don’t look a gift horse in the house.

의역: 공짜로 받은 것의 트집을 잡지 마라.


* 문장이 어색한 부분이나 이견 있으시면 댓글 대환영입니다! 이게 바로 집단지성의 힘 아니겠어요? 틀린 거 있으면 마구마구 지적해주세요! 그래야 저도 더 발전하고 읽으시는 분들도 도움이 되니까요! :) 감사합니다!!

내일도 언어 씹어먹기는 계속됩니다. 제가 리더니 중간에 포기할 수 없음. 포기하면 그룹방에서 강퇴당함. 그룹장이 강퇴라니.... 강퇴라니....

관련 글 : 내가 '언어 씹어먹기' 모임을 만들 게 된 이유

             : 내가 중국어를 배우게 된 이야기

Day 7


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