
You can make anything
by writing


by peter shin Aug 19. 2017

les demoiselles de paris

@somewhere in europe

my laidies are now hanging around somewhere in europe so i am home alone again as i so used to..

More than one year she devoted herself as an engineer to the company all days and nights even in the weekends to complete customer requiremnents. Now she needs to get back to her last year in university for graduation. Hopefully the work experience in the global company makes her more motivated and stronger for the brighter future.

As a dad, it is so good to see her travel with her mom though i am not with her this time. I love you sweet heart..

Only i don't have a chance to see this lovely tower among my family members. : p

What a wind in the atlantic beach!

In the last year in engineering program she will be going through all kinds of recruiting process offered by almost every big companies in the world. Fingers crossed for the desirable result.. I believe that this short trip would give her a good break before another jump-up.

Just go marching forward firmly to your dream my baby. The bigger the growth pain you feel, the greater achievement you could thrive upon.

I miss you already my lady..

It looks like she is on top of the hill in normandy.

they just let me know that the place behind is called le mont. St. Michel.

now they are heading down to venice..

right after this trip she needs to fly down to cuba with her friends and while she stays in toronto only two nights between the trips she is going to up on the stage as a fashion model for korean festival. it seemed like that she is doing her walking exercise for the show in the middle of the street in venice.. :p

now they are heading up north to Innsbruck in austria. they crossed alps mountains twice from venice to get here. just like hannibal.. what kind of alpha girls are they?? :-)

walking exercise in krimml fall in austria with nobody around.. :p

Just dropping by Salzburg via munich.

i miss you gals..

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