
You can make anything
by writing


by peter shin May 19. 2024

a piece of sunshine

makes me happy.

And a piece of breeze,

a piece of shadow,

a piece of scent,

and a piece of brick,

or young leaves of spring

make me happy enough.

Maybe it is an Epicurean's way of living or  소확행 추구. Who cares.

Of course a sip of coffee and a couple of puffs of smoke make me happy too.

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A piece of declaration like this makes me happy and energized as well.

Looking at the facade inscribed with a delicate pattern of shadow of tree trunks makes me happy also.

Flowers that looks like a bunch of grapes trigger some of my appetite for white wine. I have to drop by LCBO on my way home. Long time no Pinot Grigio.

OMG, how old is she? Respect!!

Yes.. I try to do enjoy my life as much as I can.

p.s. I just bought an eight pack of Asahi instead of a bottle of white wine at the liquor store. :p

매거진의 이전글 Walk through 3+ parks in a row
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