
You can make anything
by writing


by peter shin Jun 20. 2024

monthly free admission

@ the museum

On 3rd Tuesday from 4:30 every month, the great museum is avaiable to everybody for free.

ROM/ Royal Ontario Museum is under remodelling now so this beautiful bronchiosaurus might be repositioned I guess. For a long time, I have been admired by the wholistic skeleton of this amazing creature not only by her appearance but the positioning inside the main hall and the lighting.

Chinese special exhibition is still on. Maybe semi-permanent..

We live on in what we live behind. That's the motto of the royal museum. 음지에서 일하며 양지를 지향한다는 모 정보기관처럼, 북미에서 네번째 규모의 우리 왕립 박물관은 현세에 살면서 과거를 지향한다. Cool!!

You might google her for more if you like.


Bye for now.

매거진의 이전글 people in the block party
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