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[자료 조사원문]
The gilded ball was made by the workshop of Andrea del Verrocchio in 1471. It is said that a young Leonardo da Vinci, who at that time was starting his career in this workshop, directly worked on it.
After one year from the accident, thanks to the work of master goldsmith Matteo Manetti (that offered to do the job for free), the ball was placed back in its the original position on the 21st of October 1602.Over the centuries other lightnings have struck the gilded ball but luckily it never fell off again!
The golden copper sphere of Santa Maria del Fiore cathedral, made by Verrocchio on 1648, is placed on top of the dome on 1471. The sphere has been suddenly a symbol for florentine people, especially on the 5th of april of 1492 when, like a warning sign, 3 days before the death of Lorenzo dei Medici, a lightining hit Verrocchio’s masterpiece. The problem of electric discharges continue during all the 16th century untill, the 27th of january on 1601, the sphere receive another lightning and fell down with his 2,30 metres diameter and his 18 quintals of weight. In the exact spot where the sphere fell down they made a white marble plate still visible.