

You can make anything
by writing


by 영어 참견러 Aug 10. 2023


예레미야(Jer) 16장

816. 여호와의 말씀이니라 보라 내가 많은 어부를 불러다가 그들을 낚게 하며 그 후에 많은 포수를 불러다가 그들을 모든 산과 모든 언덕과 바위 틈에서 사냥하게 하리니

16. “But now I will send for many fishermen,” declares the LORD, “and they will catch them. After that I will send for many hunters, and they will hunt them down on every mountain and hill and from the crevices of the rocks.

 The word, fishermen, in this verse, and God's sending them for the wicked, reminds me of the scene of Jesus calling his disciples who had gone for fishing in the Galilee although Jesus had risen from the tomb. Because they had no vision, nor any mission that they should have had in their minds, they must have gone back to normal or old patterned lives.

Above all, it is surprising that God uses the same word, fisherman, in here. One more interesting thing is that He didn't send them for the righteous like Jesus said that a doctor wasn't necessary for the healthy. Accordingly, I was one of the wicked who was worshiping idols as gods without knowing the true God and I was also called to have the same fisherman's mission as other fishermen tried to do.

At this moment, some old pastors (though they were young fishermen) and brothers and sisters who had dedicated their lives for me and for others, who were once foreigners and wicked and evil men they had never known of God.

I think that fishermen don't choose what kind of fish they would catch. I assume that they pick up any useless or worthless fish or young fish, and put them back to the sea and vice versa. I mean they would be happy to catch big healthy and valuable fish and they will often feel proud of and enjoy eating them together.

 Likewise, I was called to be a fisherman who should follow His orders by which i should throw nets here or there, not by my own experience or thoughts or emotions and then I will be able to be accompanied by His joy and delight of His people returning to Him.

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