
You can make anything
by writing


by 글쎄 Apr 09. 2019

필리핀의 역사를 읽고 있다.

태평양 전쟁이 휩쓸고 간 잔혹한 역사, 회복의 노력들

아주 짧은 한 때이지만 일본 점령기는 필리핀에 매우 강렬한 상처를 남겼다. 전쟁 말기 필리핀을 기점으로 태평양 일대의 급박한 국제 정세를 담고 있어서 영어 텍스트이지만 손에서 쉽게 놓기 어렵다. 필리핀은 중국과 인도차이나를 잇는 지리적 중요성과 전쟁물자의 주요 공급처로 미국과 일본 양국의 주요한 군사적 기점이었다. 그러니 전쟁 말기, 필리핀의 전 국토는 양국의 접전으로 완전히 파괴되거나 황폐화되었다. 대량학살과 보복전, 그리고 광란의 전쟁범죄로 인해 민간인의 피해 규모는 이루 말하기 힘들다.

1941-1945년의 필리핀 역사는 마치 한국의 1909-1945년과 1950-1953년 역사의 압축 판처럼 보인다. 치 떨리는 전쟁범죄는 인간성에 대한 회의를 불러오고, 영원히 사죄될 수 없는 상처를 남긴다. 기억하는 자와 망각하고 싶은 자 모두 괴로움 속에서 발버둥 치지만 모두 실패할 수밖에 없다. 과오를 남긴 자에게 과거란 지울 수 없는 무서운 역사가 된다.

전쟁 70주년이 되는 해, 부족하지만 일본인과 필리핀인들의 노력으로 민간차원에서 역사회복의 장을 만들었고, 이 책은 그 노력의 기록이다.

I am reading the history of the Philippines. The period was occupied by Japanese left serious and intense injured, even though it was such a brief moment among the long history of the Philippines. This book covers the rapidly changing international situation of the Pacific area revolving around the Philippines during the last few years of the Second World War. 
The Philippines was a critical platform to both two nations, between the United States and Japan. The location of the Philippines was significantly important as a geographical bridge between China and Indo-China. It has natural resources for war supplies including copper, iron, and timber. With these reasons, the territory of the Philippines had been destroyed and devastated by a close race between the US and Japan at the end of the Asia-Pacific War. And, the war led to massacres, amounts of revenge wars and the following lunatic war crimes resulted in uncountable civilian casualties.
The period from 1941 to 1945 during the history of the Philippines looks like a compact version of Korean history during 1909-1945 and 1950-1953 because Koreans went through the devastation and humiliating days by colonialism and Korean War.
The extremely horrible war crimes provoke skepticism of human nature and left behind unforgivable injuries. Although those who remember the past and those who are willing to forget are all struggling to overcome their agony, all of them are nothing but a failure. To someone who committed an atrocity, the past has become a traumatic horrible history.
This book is the result of the efforts between Japanese and Filipinos have built a platform to recover their painful histories and have tried to make a mutual friendship beyond their past at the year of the 70th anniversary of the end of the Asian-Pacific War.  

"There were cases of wounded Japanese who became friends with Americans and Filipinos. And those friendships continued through the years. You see a larger perspective. To understand better, and through the study of war, maybe help us understand and prevent another misunderstanding or prevent another war." by Prof. Ricardo Jose.

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