
매거진 Seoul life

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by 야나트립 May 02. 2022

Complete Guide To Q-Code

The new application to enter South Korea

Internship report by Rand

As you may know, South Korea does not require a quarantine stay anymore! Instead, you have to present your Q-code. We understand that the Q-Code system is a little confusing for some, so here is a complete guide for it.

What is Q-code?

Q-Code is the new form to present when arriving in South Korea which has all your vaccination information. The Q-code is for vaccinated people (domestic or overseas vaccination) who didn't register with the Korean public health center. The Q-code enable them to be exempt from quarantine.

How to Apply?

In order to apply, you can go to their website and register:

Before registering, go find all your old vaccination records, along with your personal information such as your passport number, name, age...

If you can't find your old vaccination records, contact the health center where you got the vaccine, maybe they still have your record! Furthermore, you are required to do a PCR test 48h before your departure date and make sure it will still be valid when you arrive! This is really important.

Finally, prepare your entry information such as the departure country, flight, and accommodation details. You also need to give a contact number in South Korea, as well as the address of where you will be staying at.

All documents should be translated either in English or in Korean (By an official translator). For your information, all European countries have already an English translation of their vaccine certificate.

If there is a step where you are not sure about the information to be put during the application process, then no worry! You can save temporarily and come back later to continue where you had stopped.

When can I apply?

Because the process may take some people some time to figure out, you should add the PCR test to the Q-code right away. Before adding the PCR test, you can add some personal information but the real process starts after adding the PCR test. You never know, maybe you will be taken aback by some information you don't have, and need some time to prepare them. The case I see most from people applying is the case in which the first vaccination proof is lost, or it didn't have any  QR code because it is old... So don't take your time!

Who can help me if I'm lost?

In my case, I searched for information online such as forum websites and FAQs. Sometimes I didn't find any information about the problems I had, and what helped me was Facebook groups. So try to enter your local Facebook groups about Korean life, and avoid groups talking mostly about K-pop/drama! You will not find what you are searching for.

And after?

When you arrive in South Korea, Immigration and Quarantine Control agents will examine the Q-Code. Do not forget to have some copies on hand too! It will also be useful for your visa examination. Because yes, even if the Q-code can exempt you from quarantine, it does not guarantee entrance! Therefore, do not forget to register for your visa too. For a less-than-90-days-stay, you can apply for a K-ETA (Korean Electronic Travel Authorization) which is the simplest and the cheapest.

Read my other blog for a complete guide to the K-ETA! -->

If you need more help on your journey in Korea, don't hesitate to contact Yanatrip who will be more than happy to help you!

Keywords: Q-code, visa, information, passport, vaccination, guide, travel.

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