
You can make anything
by writing


by 후루츠캔디 Jul 05. 2023

The haunted night

# 초등글짓기,#영작,#영어공부,#캐나다이민.#캐나다교육

By T.Jung

Once upon a time, there was an orphan named David. He lived at an orphanage but it was not entertaining there. He tried to escape for freedom every chance he got but got caught. He didn't have any friends, but David was a brave boy. Whenever he got cornered by bullies, he would fight his way out. He would punch them on the stomach, slap them on the face, Kick them on the rear end, bite them on the hand, and SPANK them. The bullies would run away crying, and David would yell "GET LOST, JACK FROST!". But there is one thing David is afraid of: the dark. 

One night, when everyone at the orphanage was sleeping, David was packing his bag to start a new life. He also brought his loyal talking pet monkey Simon with him. Believe it or not, David taught Simon to speak English, and Simon could now speak English perfectly. He usually reads dictionaries during his free time in the monkey room, but Simon now hangs out with his human pal, David. Simon also taught David something. He taught David to swing like a monkey on vines, just in case of emergencies. 

David had just finished packing his bag. His large bag was a little heavy, but that was a good thing because He and Simon can survive long. inside the bag, there were food, camping supplies, a first aid kit, a flashlight, Ten large bottles of frozen water, cherry cough drops for humans, banana cough drops for monkeys, and other supplies too. 

When David opened the door, He and Simon found themselves in the dark hallway. They started walking but then heard some sort of ruckus from another room. They kept walking.   They reached a door that had caution tape all over it. Then they heard the same noises they from before inside the room. "This must be a secret room", said David. "It must be haunted or something, " said Simon nervously. He hid behind David as he peeled off the caution tape and opened the door. But when David opened the door, they noticed two things, first, there was nobody in this room, it was just a room with a bunch of tools, and they didn't even look haunted at all. and second, they noticed a window that was opened! They couldn't believe it! "This whole time, " said Simon, "There was a secret escape!?". " Better late than never!" said David. "now let's get out of here". "Wait!" said his talking monkey. "We need protection.". David knew Simon was right. So he grabbed a hammer and Simon grabbed a few monkey-sized nails. They jumped down the window through the gate and ran off. But the two friends didn't notice that a figure with glowing red eyes was in the dark corridor watching them the whole time. David and Simon kept running until they got lost in a dark, creepy, forest. "let's find someplace to camp." said Simon nervously. David gave his monkey a chocolate-glazed banana to calm him down. While Simon ate his fresh banana, David kept walking. But that's when he heard laughter, somewhere deep in the forest. 

"Hello?" said David nervously. 

He began to get pretty spooked. There was no response. Just more laughter. They weren't alone. David and Simon were so freaked out that they lost, but luckily, they found their way out. The two friends sighed in relief when they arrived at an abandoned farm owned by a farmer named Bob. Bob the farmer had moved out with his animals a couple days ago, so that meant David and Simon could sleep in the barn, But then they noticed a figure standing in the field. David ran hurridly to the figure with Simon riding on his shoulder. "Sir!" said David. " Oh thank goodness we found you. We were lost in the forest and got spooked, until we came here...", "GROAN" said the figure just standing there. David and Simon looked at each other confused. 

"Um, hello?" said David. "GROAN" moaned the figure. David opened his backpack and looked for his flashlight. He didn't know what was wrong with this person. He found his flashlight and turned it on in front of the figure. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" , screamed the two chums. it turns out the person was a zombie, which explains why it was groaning. David and his talking monkey panicked when they saw more zombies across the field. The zombies were coming closer to the two friends and they surrounded them. One of the zombies had a large brain and had glowing red eyes, and it seemed to be the leader of the zombies. Simon was pretty freaked out and he hid behind his owner. Then David remembered that they had weapons. He got his hammer out of his backpack and gave the sharp nails to Simon. The zombies were just getting closer, but that's when David Hit the one with the giant brain with his hammer. The zombie was mad and the two chums fought their way out. It was a violent battle. Simon stabbed some nails on the zombies and David killed them with his hammer. There were still more zombies, and a bunch more came to Bob's farm. Simon knew they couldn't kill that many zombies, so he thought of a plan to escape. The zombies were in front of the fence, and if they killed the zombies and ran away, the others would still chase them, along with more of them from the distance. Then Simon saw some vines, and he told David they could swing on them. Remember when I told you that the Simon taught David how to swing like one? Well now he's like an expert of swinging on vines like a monkey. The two friends ran to the vines and each took one, and headed off. They landed in the forest again, but guess what? There were MORE ZOMBIES there. "You've got to be kidding me" said David. The bad news was that since the forest was so big, it meant that there would be like a thousand zombies there. The good news was that there were some vines, so they climbed on them, and swinged away. But suddenly, the zombie with the large brain came out of nowhere and landed on the tree with a terrible CRASH! "Well, it was nice knowing you." David said to his monkey friend. "You too buddy" said Simon. But when David and Simon closed their terrified eyes, the zombie jumped in the air but missed David and Simon causing them to lose control of the vines and jumped on another one and kept swinging. The zombie was falling until it hit the ground pretty hard, but it was somehow still alive. David and Simon landed on the ground and found themselves in a dark graveyard. Then they heard a werewolf howling in the distance, But they didn't see it. Then out of nowhere a GIGANTIC FIGURE jumped in front of the two pals! It was the WEREWOLF! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" screamed David and his talking monkey. "HOWL" howled the werewolf. The wolf started to chase the two friends around the graveyard, until it hit it's head on a statue. David and Simon panicked while they saw the werewolf trying to get up. But then VAMPIRE BATS started flying toward the two chums! David and Simon screamed for the third time of the night. They ran away from the bats and hid behind a nearby gravestone. "Phew! that was close." said Simon and David. 

But then they noticed a COFFIN. David and the monkey started to panic when the COFFIN LID OPENED. Then, a VAMPIRE came out. Simon and David screamed way louder than they did before. "I VANT ALL YOUR BLOOD!" said the vampire. David and Simon screamed again and ran away, but the werewolf was in front of them. That's when the zombies came out from the forest followed by the bruised brainy zombie leader. The pals were surrounded by these creatures, and they curled up in a ball. 

Now the guys were having second thoughts. It was after midnight, and the night was haunted. They should've never escaped and stayed at the orphanage were it was safe and cozy, but now they had completely lost their minds and had some run-ins with zombies, a werewolf, and a vampire. The zombies wanted to eat David and Simon, but the werewolf wanted to kill them. Then the dracula had a plan. "How about ve bite them and turn them into a zombie-werewolf-vampire-like creature?" said the vampire. The monsters all liked that idea. according to legend, all three of these entities LOVE to bite living creatures. The monsters all opened their mouths, revealing their sharp teeth, and... "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" David and Simon screamed so loud that they made all of the monster's ears ring. This was their chance to escape! They ran off to the forest leaving the monsters behind. They were in theirs for a few minutes, passed Bob's farm, and made it back to the orphanage. David and Simon had screamed six times only this night and the last one was the loudest. Their voices were sore from shrieking, so David opened his bag and took out the bag of cherry cough drops for humans, and the bag of banana cough drops for monkeys. They were never this happy to be back at the orphanage before. They ran to their room and laid down on the bed exhausted. 

The two friends decided not to tell anyone about their little runaway, or else nobody would believe them. Plus the adults would be mad at David for sneaking out. 

The next day, David and Simon felt different. They didn't feel like running away from the orphanage like they used to. In fact, they enjoyed their day at the orphanage. Simon had started teaching the other monkeys to speak English just like he did from David, and the two pals made lots of new friends. The bullies wouldn't bully David anymore because they were afraid he might attack them. David and Simon were having a great lifetime at the place. They had learned a lesson. Don't ever, EVER, go by yourself outside after midnight (Or with a pet).

 You'll never know if it will be haunted, or what might be out there!

작가의 이전글 3. Lazy days
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