
You can make anything
by writing


by 디영 Sep 06. 2024

그렇게 되셨지요.

That’s How It Went.


빛도 없는 별 모서리, 옷자락이 걸려 그만

그렇게 되셨지요.

포기하지 못하는 건


미움을 미워하는 천성이셨을까요,

이상의 조각을 쥐고 나셨나 봐요.

걸어가신 자리마다 슬픔,

웅덩이가 생겼습니다.

차박- 차박-

여름 같은 소리 위를 걸어가셨지요.

눈을 마주하기가 어려웠어요,

왼쪽 귀는 또

지나치게 잘 들리는 바람에

많이 돌아누워 계셨습니다.

사람 사람 사이는 파랗고

그분은 노을빛에 흠뻑 —

사랑하지 않았다면 덜 노여우셨을까요.

주황빛에 기대어

파란 손을 꼬옥 안고,

놓을 수 없는 그분의

천성 탓이겠지요.

팔랑 팔랑, 나비처럼 —

석양이 되셨지요.

A peculiar soul, lost in his world,

Caught on the edge of a lightless star —

And so, that’s how it went.

Was it that his ideals wouldn’t let him go?

Or was it his nature

Of hating the hatred,

Perhaps he was born grasping fragments of those ideals.

Wherever he walked, pools of sorrow formed,

Puddle after puddle,

He tread upon the sounds of summer.

His gaze was hard to meet,

And his left ear,

Too keen to the world’s noise,

So often he turned away, lying still.

Between people, a cold blue distance,

While he was steeped in the colors of dusk.

Had he not loved the love,

Would his anger have been less?

Leaning against the orange glow,

Clasping the blue hands tightly,

Such was his nature —

He could not let go.

Flutter flutter, like a butterfly —

He became the sunset.

And so, that’s how it went.

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